Professional Development
Civil Service Career Mobility Office
Computer Training
Instructor-Led Computer Training
- New Horizons of Syracuse: For a class schedule and a price quote, please call 315-907-6749.
Instructor-Led Classes
Professional Development and Learning Course Listings (PDL) offers employees various professional development classes as well as conducts mandatory training for all staff.
NYS Learning Alliance/Governor's Office of Employee Relations (GOER)
NYS Learning Alliance provides state employees a number of workshops and online learning modules covering topics relevant in our workplace.
Online Training
Brightspace learning management system provides both mandatory and optional training modules for Upstate staff.
NYS Learning Alliance
NYS Learning Alliance provides state employees a number of workshops and online learning modules covering topics relevant in our workplace.
SUNY Center for Professional Development
Located under the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the SUNY Center for Professional Development creates and delivers customized programs for skill and knowledge development in various technical, and teaching and learning areas.
Syracuse University Tuition Program
Educational Benefits by Union or Affiliation
Upstate employees are entitled to tuition and training benefits designated by their union or affiliation (SUNY Tuition Assistance Policy).
- All State Employees
- Management/Confidential (M/C)
- PEF/Registered Nurses
- Research Foundation
See also: Syracuse University Tuition Program