Clinical Staff Orientation
Clinical Staff will be scheduled for each of the following orientation programs depending on their level of patient contact:
Prerequisite to Attending Nursing Services Orientation (NSO)
The following education is required and must be completed via Brightspace before attending Nursing Service Orientation (NSO):
Login to Brightspace at
Licensed Staff: RN, LPN
- Blood Administration
- Phlebotomy
- IV Insert
- Novastat
- Restraints
Unlicensed: HCT, SCA2
- Phlebotomy
- Novastat
- Restraints
- There are no prerequisite courses for NSO
The remainder of all educations must be completed by the end of orientation.
Nursing Services Orientation (NSO): University Hospital
Molly Lanza, Clinical Educator
Phone: 464-4605
Email: [email protected]
Laura Minnoe, Clinical Educator
Phone: 464-4404
Email: [email protected]
Nursing Services Orientation (NSO) is necessary education for new inpatient nursing and nursing support employees in order to function within guidelines of SUNY Upstate Medical University. NSO is a combination of Brightspace education and a classroom skills day. Depending on your job title, you will be assigned to attend either part of or all of this orientation program.
Dates, locations and the agenda for 2023 will be posted soon.
Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Class
Cherie Kocan, Clinical Training Specialist
Phone: 464-4403
Email: [email protected]
Intended Audience:
- Online Course Only
- All inpatient RN and LPNs (except those who need to complete the classroom training)
- Classroom Training Only
- Licensed and Unlicensed staff working on or assigned to 4B, 5W, 7W, including Travel Staff, only if unable to complete CPI advanced within 6 months of hire
- Classroom Training Only
- Any staff person assigned in a Safety Companion (SACO) and/or Suicide Watcher (SUWA) role.
Completion at hire & then annually of online CPI education and attendance at CPI classroom training
Fall and Injury Prevention Program
Intended Audience: Inpatient RNs, LPNs, OTs, PTs, MOAs & HAs; Excludes ED, Pediatrics, & Ambulatory.
Complete Brightspace Course UH340834: Fall and Injury Prevention Program
Login to Brightspace at
Multidisciplinary Orientation (MDO)
Intended Audience: All Licensed Inpatient Staff
Complete Brightspace Course UH8845: Multidisciplinary Orientation (MDO) within 60 days of hire
Login to Brightspace at
Simulated Arrest
To be completed with 6-months of hire by: Inpatient RNs and any Procedural or Outpatient RN who works in a department that has an emergency cart and uses a defibrillator (Zoll) for medical emergencies. Registration for this class should be done by the department.
CITI Institutional Review Board (IRB) Course
The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Institutional Review Board (IRB) course is to be completed by all clinical staff within 12-months of hire date.
Additional information about Nursing at Upstate