Palliative Care Service for Adult Advanced Illness (Inpatient Consultation)
Contact Information
Palliative Care Service for Adult Advanced Illness (Inpatient Consultation)
Upstate University Hospital Map & directions
Rm. E10549
750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: 315 464-6098
Fax: 315 464-4761
Insurance Info: Insurance Info
Office Hours: Available for Consults 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Physician Referral Required for New Patients? Yes
Accept Children? No
Upstate University Hospital Map & directions
Rm. E10549
750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: 315 464-6098
Fax: 315 464-4761
Insurance Info: Insurance Info
Office Hours: Available for Consults 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Physician Referral Required for New Patients? Yes
Accept Children? No
The Palliative Care Service is a comprehensive service for hospitalized patients and their families dealing with serious, chronic, or terminal illnesses in which the goals of treatment are moving from curative therapy to ensuring comfort care during the illness. Palliative care helps patients deal with physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, and supports families by helping them with questions and concerns.
Palliative care can help:
- assist patients with management of physical symptoms caused by disease or medications
- assist with pain management
- bring patients and families together to encourage open dialog to establish goals of care
- facilitate decision-making on important issues such as establishing a Health Care Proxy, living will and Advance Directives
- assist in end of life issues, including hospice referrals
Major Services Provided
- Palliative Care
Healthcare Providers
- Allison G Carbery, NP
- Brian A Changlai, MD
- Lisa A Cico, MSN, ANP-C
- Tanya George, MD, FACP, CHCQM
- Kerry Goessling, DNP, ACHPN
- Jennifer L Helmer, NP
- Arlee J Logan, NP-C, NP-BC
- Rachel D Lutwin, PA
- Doug Milano-Johnson, PA
- Gabriela Palacio, MD
- Sarah E Persons, NP
- Tammy A Root, NP
- Susan J Shaw, MSN, PNP, ANP
- Suman A Swarnkar, MD, Medical Director