The ENHANCE Clinic: Medical, Psychological and Developmental Care for Children in Foster Care. With S. Blatt, V. Meguid, C. Church, M. O''Hara, D. Franklin, J. Anderson
ENHANCE services for children in foster care provides comprehensive medical care for approximately 500 children in foster care in Onondaga County. The clinic is a unique multidisciplinary (pediatrics, child psychiatry, development, department of social services) venture. We are conducting research on the medical, developmental and psychosocial status and needs of this population and how to best meet them.
Selected References
Blatt SD, Saletsky RD, Meguid V, Church CC, O''Hara, M, Haller, S and Anderson, J: A comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to providing health care for children in foster care. Child Welfare, 1997.
Rosenfeld AA, Pilowsky DJ, Fine P, Thorpe M, Fein E, Simms M, Halfon N, Irwin, MA, Saletsky RD, Alfaro J and Nickman S: Children in family foster care: An update for child and adolescent psychiatrists. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1998.
Kamen BA, Saletsky RD. Pain: Above all, do no harm, or make sure the pain is worthy of the result. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 2000. 17:195-97.
Saletsky RD. Personality disorders in children and adolescents. In Readings: A journal of commentary in mental health by Kernberg P, Weiner AS, Bardenstein K. 2000:15:Ch 3.
Saletsky RD, Church C, Irwin M. ENHANCE Foster Care Program. Zero to Three, 2000. 19:3:38-9.
Saletsky RD. On playing a poor hand well. In Readings: A journal of reviews and commentary in mental health by Katz M. 1998. 13:1.
Rosenfeld AA, Pilowsky DJ, Fine P, Thorpe M, Fein E, Simms M. Halfon N, Irwin M, Saletsky RD, Alfaro J, Nickman S. Children in family foster care: An update for child and adolescent psychiatrists. Journal of the Amderican Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1997. 36:4:448-57.
Blatt SD, Saletsky RD, Meguid V, Church CC, O'Hara M, Haller S, Anderson J. A comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to providing health care to children in foster care. Child Welfare, 1997. 76:2:331-48.