Resistance exercise training on glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetics
Site Principle Investigator: Jill Kanaley, Ph.D
Site Co-Investigator: Robert L. Carhart, Jr., MD
Investigation site: Syracuse University
Dates of Study: January 1997 - June 1999
MERIT - HF Metoprolol CR/XL Randomized Intervention Trial in Congestive Heart
Failure: A Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Survival Study with Metoprolol CR/XL in patents with Decreased Ejection Fraction and Symptoms of Heart Failure Trial
Site Principle Investigator: Raymond Carlson, MD
Site Co-Investigators Robert Carhart, Jr., MD; Martha Castle, RN; Lisa C. Kozlowski, MD; Harold Smulyan, MD; Jared Widell, MD
Sponsor: Astra USA
Investigation Site: SUNY Upstate Medical University
Dates of Study: April 1997 - October 31, 1998
Phase II: International Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Trial
Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Orofiban in Patients with Unstable Coronary Syndrome (TIMI 16).
Site Principle Investigator: Robert Carhart, Jr., MD
Site Co-Investigators: Raymond Carlson, MD; Martha Castle, RN; Lisa C. Kozlowski, MD; Matthew O'Hern, MD; Frank Torres, MD; Jared Widell, MD
IRB #: IRB# 3749
Sponsor: Searle
Investigation Site: SUNY Upstate Medical University
Dates of Study: July 1998 - January 1999
The Effect of LDL-Cholesterol Lowering Beyond Currently Recommended Minimum
Targets on Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Recurrence in Patients with Pre-existing CHD.
Site Principle Investigator: Lisa C. Kozlowski, MD
Site Co-Investigators: Robert L. Carhart, Jr., MD; Martha Castle, RN; Jared Widell, MD; Frank Torres, MD
Sponsor: Pfizer/Parke-Davis
Investigation Site: SUNY Upstate Medical University
Dates of Study: June 1998 - ongoing Co-Investigator.
Racial Differences in Regional Fat Distribution in Menopausal Women
Site Principle Investigator: Jill Kanaley, Ph.D
Site Co-Investigator: Robert L. Carhart, Jr., MD
Investigation site: Syracuse University
Dates of Study: January 1999 - ongoing
Clinical Outcomes Utilizing Revascularization and Aggressive Drug Evaluations
Site Principle Investigator: Robert L. Carhart, Jr., MD
Site Co-Investigators: William Boden, MD; Martha Castle, RN; Lisa C. Kozlowski, MD; Matthew O'Hern, MD; Kishor Phadke, MD; Frank Torres, MD; Jared Widell, MD
IRB # 211-6463
Sponsor: VA Cooperative
Investigation Site: SUNY Upstate Medical University
Dates of Study: June 1999 - ongoing
A Randomized, Double-blind Comparator: Controlled Study of Pioglitazone HCL vs.
Glyburide in the Treatment of Subjects with Type 2 (Non Insulin Dependent) Diabetes Mellitus and Mild to Moderate Congestive Heart Failure.
Site Principle Investigator: Robert L. Carhart, Jr., MD
Site Co-Investigators: Sunil Kalla, MD; Lisa C. Kozlowski, MD; Kishor Phadke, MD; Jared Widell, MD; Debra Buchan, MD
IRB #: IRB 211-6548-A
Sponsor: Takeda Pharamaceuticals
Investigation Site: SUNY Upstate Medical University
Dates of Study: August 3, 2000 - ongoing
Efficacy and Safety Study of the Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitor H 376/95 Compared
with Dose-Adjusted Warfarin (Coumadin) in the Prevention of Stroke and Systemic Embolic Events in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (SPORTIF V)
Site Principle Investigator: Robert L. Carhart, Jr, MD
Site Co-Investigators: Kishor Phadke, MD, Osamu Fujimura, MD, Mike Vertino, MD
IRB #: Sponsor:AstraZeneca
Investigation Site: Upstate Medical University
Dates of Study: 8/2000 - ongoing
A Phase III: Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Trial Evaluating the
Efficacy and Safety of Roxifiban in the Prevention of Ischemic Events in Subjects with Moderate to Severe Peripheral Arterial Disease.
Site Principle Investigator: Robert L Carhart, Jr., MD
Site Co-Investigators: Sunil Kalla, MD; Lisa C. Kozlowski, MD; Kishor Phadke, MD; Jared Widell, MD
IRB #: 211-6545-A
Sponsor: DuPont Pharmaceuticals
Investigation Site: SUNY Upstate Medical University
Dates of Study: August 31, 2000 - ongoing
Changes in abdominal fat distribution with diet and/or exercise in Type 2 diabetic women. "Does Abdominal Fat Loss with Diet and/or exercise affect the Health Status in Type 2 Diabetic Women?
Site Principle Investigator: Jill Kanaley, Ph.D
Site Co-Investigator: Robert L. Carhart, Jr., MD
Investigation site: Syracuse University
Dates of Study: February 2001 - ongoing
Validity of Stress Echocardiograms when only One Component is Positive.
Site Principle Investigator: Robert L. Carhart, Jr, MD
Dates of Study: Data are now being collected.
Relationship of Isotonic Knee Extension Mechanical Power to Wingate Anaerobic Power in Younger vs Older Adults
Site Principle Investigator: Dwight J. The'
Site Co-Investigator: Robert L. Carhart, Jr., MD
Investigation Site: Syracuse University
Dates of Study: 2001 - present
Co-investigator - VALIANT Trial
Co-investigator - PRESTO Trial
Watt RM, Carhart RL Jr., Gentile TC, Watt TS. Monoclonal Antibodies to Serum Lipoproteins: Their Present and Future Use in Biology and Medicine. Journal of Experimental Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1985; 28: 28 - 50.
Carhart RL Jr. and Ades PA. Gender Differences in Cardiac Rehabilitation. Cardiology Clinics 1998; 16: 37 - 43.
Ades PA, Savage PD, Poehlman ET, Brochu M, Fragnoli-Munn K, Carhart Jr.
RL. Lipid Lowering in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Setting. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. J Cardiopulmonary Rehabil 1999;19:255-260
Ades PA, Maloney AE, Savage P, Carhart Jr. RL. Determinants of physical
function in coronary patients: Response to cardiac rehabilitation. Archives of Internal Medicine. Arch Int Medicine 1999;159:2357-2360
Ades PA, Savage PD, Poehlman ET, Brochu M, Fragnoli-Munn K, Carhart RL Jr. Determinants of self-reported physical functioning and response to cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation 1999;19: 255-260.
J.A. Kanaley, L.M. Fenicchia, C.S. Miller, L.L. Ploutz-Snyder, R.S. Weinsotck, R. Carhart, J.L. Azevedo, Jr. Resting Leptin Responses To Acute And Chronic Resistance Training In Type 2 Diabetic Men And Women. Int J Obesity - International Journal of Obesity 2001;25:1474-1489
Carhart RL Jr., Watt RM. Novel Immunoassays for Human LDL using Antibodies Produced to Haptenated LDL. Fed. Proc. 1984; 43: 1642.
Collins ET, Carhart RL Jr., Watt RM, Watt TS. Induction of Anaphylaxis in Mice by Immunization with Human Serum Lipoprotein in the Absence of Adjuvant. Fed. Proc. 1984; 43: 1627.
Savage PD, Carhart RL Jr., Ades PA. Lipid lowering in the cardiac rehabilitation setting. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation 1997;17: 337.
Carhart RL Jr., Savage PD, Ades PA. Determinants of self-reported physical functioning and response to cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation 1997;17: 342. Presented at the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation 12th Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, November 1997.
Carhart RL Jr., Yang HT, Terjung RL. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)-induced collateral blood flow is enhanced by daily exercise. Journal of Heart Failure 1997; 4: 13. Presented at the 5th World Congress on Heart Failure, Washington D.C. May 1997.
J.A. Kanaley, FACSM, L.M. Fenicchia, C.S. Miller, K.S. Sagendorf, R. Carhart, R.S. Weinstock, J.L. Azevedo, and L.L. Ploutz-Snyder Resistance Training is Effective in Improving Glucose Concentrations in Diabetic Women. Abstract of Proposed Free Communication Slide or Poster, American College of Sports Medicine 47th Annual Meeting 2000.
C.S. Miller, L.M. Fenicchia, K.S. Sagendorf, R. Carhart, R.S. Weinstock, J.L. Azevedo, L.L. Poutz-Snyder, FACSM and J.A. Kanaley, FACSM, 6 Weeks of Resistance Training Does Not Improve Glucose Tolerance in Middle-aged Men: Abstract of Proposed Free Communication Slide or Poster, American College of Sports Medicine 47th Annual Meeting 2000