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Upstate Active Clinical Trials

Study Title:

Phase III Prospective Randomized Trial of Primary Lung Tumor Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Followed by Concurrent Mediastinal Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

What is the purpose of the study? (in Layman's terms, please describe the study)

This study is being done to answer the following questions: Can we help you live longer and can we delay the time without your cancer getting worse by giving high dose radiation therapy directly to your lung tumor – a technique called Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy or SBRT – before the usual treatment with radiation therapy and chemotherapy?

Upstate Institutional Review Board (IRB) Number:


Study/Protocol ID:


Study Phase:


Patient Age Group:


Principal Investigator:

Michael D Mix, MD

What is involved if I participate?

  • How long is the study?
    10 years.
  • Is transportation provided or reimbursed?
  • Is parking provided or reimbursed?
  • What tests and procedures are involved?
    Please contact the CRA for more information.

Where will the study take place?

Upstate Cancer Center at Verona
Hematology Oncology and Radiation Oncology at Oswego
Community Campus
Radiation Oncology - The Hill Medical Center

Other Information:

Please contact the CRA for more information.

ClinicalTrials.Gov ID:


For more information about this trial go to ClinicalTrials.Gov

Who can I contact for more information?

Name: Erin Bingham, CCRP
Phone: 315-464-3603
Email: [email protected]

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