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Upstate Active Clinical Trials

Study Title:

A Phase-1, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study to Assess the Antiviral Activity and Safety of AT-752 in a Dengue Human Challenge Model

What is the purpose of the study? (in Layman's terms, please describe the study)

To test the effectiveness of the oral investigational product against dengue virus, which causes dengue fever, a problematic disease in the developing world and for deployed military personnel.

Upstate Institutional Review Board (IRB) Number:


Study/Protocol ID:


Study Phase:


Patient Age Group:


Principal Investigator:

Stephen J Thomas

What is involved if I participate?

  • How long is the study?
    For each volunteer, 4 months. Visits during first 2 weeks are almost daily frequent, then become increasingly spaced out.
  • Is transportation provided or reimbursed?
  • Is parking provided or reimbursed?
  • What tests and procedures are involved?
    Physical assessment, blood draws, echocardiogram, ECG, urine drug test

Where will the study take place?

Global Health Research Unit, Upstate Community Campus (4900 Broad Rd. Syracuse), POB-North Suite 4U

Other Information:

Ample compensation not only for parking but for volunteer's time.
Students welcome, but any healthy adult with a flexible schedule is encouraged to make an appointment for screening.

ClinicalTrials.Gov ID:


For more information about this trial go to ClinicalTrials.Gov

Who can I contact for more information?

Name: Michelle D Klick
Phone: 315-464-5729
Email: [email protected]

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