Upstate Active Clinical Trials
Study Title:
ANHL1931 A Randomized Phase 3 Trial of Nivolumab (NSC# 748726, IND# 125462) in Combination with Chemo-immunotherapy for the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Primary Mediastinal B-cell LymphomaWhat is the purpose of the study? (in Layman's terms, please describe the study)
treatmentUpstate Institutional Review Board (IRB) Number:
1774513Study/Protocol ID:
ANHL1931Study Phase:
3Patient Age Group:
Adults and ChildrenPrincipal Investigator:
Melanie A ComitoWhat is involved if I participate?
- How long is the study?
N/A - Is transportation provided or reimbursed?
No - Is parking provided or reimbursed?
Yes - What tests and procedures are involved?
Where will the study take place?
Upstate Pediatric Cancer CenterOther Information:
N/AClinicalTrials.Gov ID:
NCT04759586For more information about this trial go to ClinicalTrials.Gov
Who can I contact for more information?
Name: Karen B Bilynsky
Phone: 315-464-7601
Email: [email protected]