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Upstate Active Clinical Trials

Study Title:

AGCT1531 - A Phase 3 Study of Active Surveillance for Low Risk and a Randomized Trial of Carboplatin vs. Cisplatin for Standard Risk Pediatric and Adult Patients with Germ Cell Tumors

What is the purpose of the study? (in Layman's terms, please describe the study)

A Phase 3 Study of Active Surveillance for Low Risk and a Randomized Trial of Carboplatin vs. Cisplatin for Standard Risk Pediatric and Adult Patients with Germ Cell Tumors

Upstate Institutional Review Board (IRB) Number:


Study/Protocol ID:


Study Phase:


Patient Age Group:

Adults and Children

Principal Investigator:

Melanie A Comito

Who is eligible?

There is no age limit for the Low Risk Stratum (Stage I Ovarian Immature
Teratoma and Stage I Non-Seminoma or Seminoma Malignant GCT (all
Standard Risk 1: Patients must be < 11 years of age at enrollment.
Standard Risk 2:Patients must be ≥ 11 and < 25 years of age at enrollment.

What is involved if I participate?

  • How long is the study?
  • Is transportation provided or reimbursed?
  • Is parking provided or reimbursed?
  • What tests and procedures are involved?

Where will the study take place?

Upstate Pediatric Cancer Center

Other Information:


Who can I contact for more information?

Name: Karen B Bilynsky
Phone: 315-464-7601
Email: [email protected]

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