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Graduate Studies Forms

Audit Form

You can audit a class if you do not wish to earn credit. To audit a class you have to receive permission from the instructor. The instructor is not obligated to allow anyone to audit a course and there may be certain prerequisites the auditor has to complete. Procedures for auditing a course vary depending on whether or not you are enrolled in other courses for the semester.

Add/Drop Form
In order to make changes to your enrollment after registration, students must complete an Add/Drop Form. The Add/Drop Period for the College of Graduate Studies ends at the close of the second week of classes - or ten days into the semester. Students will be charged a late fee in the amount of $20.00 to add, drop, or withdraw from a course after the defined period has ended.

Advising Agreement

Agreements, outlining responsibilities of a faculty advisor and student, submitted to the chosen degree-granting program.

Advisory Committee Report Form (word)
The report is crucial for students and their principal investigators. The advisory meetings and this report provide an evaluation and assessment of each student’s progress and are important for documenting the achievement of the student. This form needs to be submitted within one week of the semi-annual meeting.

  • Biochemistry Program Advisory Committee Report Forms (Student/Advisor)

Binding Form
Submit electronically to College of Graduate Studies along with signed PDF of dissertation/thesis and Commencement Information Form. See Degree Conferral Checklist for more information.

Career Development Plan (CDP)

Career Development Plan (CDP), developed with the faculty advisor in the first year of the lab, is updated annually and shared with the Advisory Committee prior to one of the semi-annual meetings. Form submitted to degree-granting program.

Commencement Information Form

Degree Conferral Checklist 

Degree Status Change Form

Dissertation Advisor & Program Declaration Form
Submit when dissertation advisor selected

Dissertation Examination Committee Appointment Form
Submit at least 2 weeks prior to the exam for approval by the Dean.

Guidelines for Formatting the Electronic Dissertation for Submission & Binding
Your bound dissertation will be printed using the PDF file that you submit to the Office of the College of Graduate Studies. To optimize printing, reproduction and binding of your dissertation, please be sure to carefully read and follow the guidelines below from the bindery when preparing your electronic document for submission. This ensures the highest quality production possible. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in a distorted rendering when printed or a delay in production.

Laboratory Rotation Enrollment Form
Submit 1 week prior to the start of a rotation

Laboratory Rotation Enrollment Form - MD/PhD Students Only
Submit 1 week prior to the start of a rotation

Leave of Absence, Transfer, Withdrawal Form

Mistreatment Policy

Policy for the Written Dissertation/Thesis

Program Change Request Form

Qualifying Examination Committee Appointment Form
Submit 2 weeks prior to the exam for Dean's approval

Qualifying Examination Guidelines

Thesis Examination Committee Appointment Form
Submit at least 2 weeks prior to the exam for approval by the Dean.

Time of Limitation Extension Request Form
Requests for extension must be petitioned using this form.

Travel Award Request Form
Students presenting at scientific meetings are eligible for ONE (1) travel award up to $500 per the academic year. Preference will go to students who are not receiving or eligible to receive funds from other areas (i.e. grant money, fellowships, etc.). To apply, complete the Travel Award Request Form linked here and return to the College of Graduate Studies for approval. You must submit a conference agenda and confirmation of your presentation along with this form. This form should generally be completed before you present and travel. See the after-travel process below. 

If you have any questions regarding Travel awards please email Shaunna Arnold at [email protected].

Travel Reimbursement Application
Once approved for a CGS Travel Award (please see process above), complete the Travel Application and submit to the College of Graduate Studies. All receipts and proof of presentation (either poster or oral) must be enclosed. This form should generally be completed after you present and travel.

University (Student) Policies
