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Microbiology & Immunology

Researchers in Microbiology & Immunology focus on diseases caused by viruses and parasites, the host response to infection, and the development and function of the immune system.

Application Materials Need to Be Submitted By:

PhD Applicants:  Jan 5, 2025

Microbiology and Immunology

Major research areas in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology are in diseases caused by viruses and parasites, the host response to infection, and the development and function of the immune system.

This program awards:

  • PhD in Microbiology & Immunology
  • MS in Microbiology

A range of viruses are studied, including dengue virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Kaposis sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus and varicella zoster virus. The focus of virology research is on pathogenesis, gene regulation, molecular interactions between the virus and host cell, antiviral agents, and viral replication, as well as cancers, caused EBV and KSHV. Research on malaria and toxoplasma is also being conducted.

Immunology research focuses on autoimmune diseases, macrophage function, T and B cell function, T and B cell function, K cells, antigen processing and presentation, viral immunity, immunotoxicology, and vaccine development. A central theme is understanding how the immune system prevents or causes diseases.

Research is conducted at the molecular, biochemical, genetic and population levels with goals of developing vaccines and therapeutics of infectious diseases.

"I love the close-knit & supportive scientific community here at SUNY Upstate"

Yetunde Kayode
PhD Candidate, Microbiology & Immunology

Current research focuses on understanding how CD4 T cell metabolism impacts HIV-1 latency.

Research That Will Make A Difference

About the Program

Our program is rich in research and opportunities for students to gain confidence and be a part of important research initiatives. Major research areas in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology are in diseases caused by viruses, the host response to infection, and the development and function of the immune system.

The PhD program—including research, didactic course work and successful defense of a dissertation—is intended to be completed in four to five years

Degree Requirement Checklist

Please review the following checklists of requirements needed to obtain an MS or PhD degree in Microbiology & Immunology:

PhD Degree Requirement Checklist


Required Graduate Courses

Course Number Title Credit Hours
First & Second Year
GS604 Graduate Student Research Opportunities 1
GS612 Biomedical Sciences Laboratory Rotations 6
GS616 Foundations of Molecular and Cellular Biology 3
GS637 Responsible Conduct of Scientific Research 2
GS892 Introduction to the Presentation and Analysis of Scientific Literature: Journal Club 1
GS690 Experimental Design & Analysis 2
M627 Intro to Virology 2
M628 Intro to Immunology 2
*M616 Current Concepts in Virology 3
*M610 Problems in Cell & Molecular Immunology 3
M609 Grant Writing in Microbiology & Immunology 3
M630 Seminar in Microbiology & Immunology 1x1
M623 Directed Individual Study in Microbiology & Immunology Research variable
Third & Fourth Year  
M700 Research in Microbiology & Immunology
M630 Seminar in Microbiology & Immunology 1 each semester

Each student will assist in the Medical Microbiology laboratory (second, third, and possibly fourth, not final thesis year).

* Students must take either 6 credits of M616 or M610 or 3 credits of one of these advanced courses, plus 3 credits of another advanced course offered by College of Graduate Studies degree-granting programs.

Current Research

Research in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology focuses on human disease and infection and is divided into two principal areas: viruses and the diseases they cause and protection against infectious disease.


Faculty & Staff

Have Questions?

Please direct inquiries to:

Office of Admissions

Phone: 315-464-4570
Email: [email protected]

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