Lectures and Conferences
Geriatrics Core Curriculum Lecture Series
Central to the fellows educational experience at SUNY Upstate at Syracuse is the Geriatrics Core Curriculum lecture Series which runs every Thursday for the first 8 weeks of the fellowship from 12:15 pm to 1:00 pm at 550 Harrison Center. Topics covered in these lectures: Care of the Geriatric Patient; Dementia; Delirium; Palliative Care; Drugs in the Elderly; Systems of Care; Falls; and the Kolb Learning Style sessions.
Geri Grand Rounds
All Fellows participate and/or present in a weekly seminar (Thursday 12:15 pm to 1:00 pm) in which they critically review important journal articles.
Power Rounds
Every Thursday morning, from 7:15 to 8:00 am, the members of The Department of Medicine (faculty, housestaff, and students) come together at Power Rounds in which specialty-specific topics, cutting-edge research, and clinico-pathologic conferences (CPCs) will be presented. Members of the Upstate faculty as well as invited speakers from around the country are invited to speak.
Graduate Medical Education Lecture Series
These are held from 3:454:45pm and are open to all fellows. The attendance is not mandatory but is encouraged. Topics include medical ethics, palliative care, medical decision making, residents as teachers, bioinformatics, research design, biostatistics, critical literature analysis and medico legal matters.