Nephrotic syndrome and glomerulonephritis; hypertension; disorders of bone mineral metabolism; electrolyte disturbances;Hospital quality and safety; wilderness medicine.
Role of the human complement system in immune glomerular disease.
Fellowship: SUNY Upstate Medical Center, 1982, Pediatric Nephrology
Fellowship: University of Colorado Health Science Center, 1976, Pediatric Nephrology
Residency: University of Colorado Health Science Center, 1975, Pediatrics
MD: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, 1973
Our laboratory program is broadly focused on the role of the human complement system in renal disease. Specifically, we are interested in the mechanisms by which local synthesis and activation of complement proteins in the kidney mediate renal injury. Understanding such mechanisms may lead to the development of novel therapies. This work employs human material, animal models, and cell lines.
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