FAMP1649 Public Health and Biopsychosocial Primary Care
1 Credit | Concurrent Elective
Elective Director: Dr. Christopher Morley
Contact: [email protected]
Prerequisites: All third year clerkships
Maximum Number of Students: 10
Periods Offered: This course is not available in the elective lottery
Elective Description
Students will perform a validated, communications-intensive standardized patient encounter at the beginning of the course. The standardized patient case will include a number of complicating issues, including comorbid chronic physical illness and mental health symptoms, along with social challenges that impact self-care and adherence. The initial formative SP encounter will allow the student to watch and rate their own performance. Students will then be exposed to literature and instruction on social determinants of health, and receive didactic training in the application of chronic care models, patient-centeredness, cultural competency, motivational interviewing, and condition-specific topics.