Tenure and Stop the Clock
Faculty on tenure-eligible state lines have specific requirements for tenure. These criteria are based on State University of New York Policies of the Board of Trustees.
The specifics for tenure have been summarized by the Office of Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development as a guide for faculty use.
Procedures for requesting tenure
- All tenure recommendations must be presented to the College of Medicine Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee, well in advance of the one-year notification date.
- After receipts of the committee's recommendation, the Dean will make final recommendations to the President.
- The Faculty Appointments Specialist will process the appropriate paperwork, on behalf of the President, to submit all tenure requests to the Chancellor's Office of the State University of New York. The Chancellor has final approval authority for all tenure requests.
- Notification: Faculty must be notified of the decision to grant or not to grant tenure at least one year prior to their tenure eligibility date.
If you are a faculty member of the COM, you will be invited to meet with the senior associate dean for faculty affairs and development well in advance of your tenure date. Please contact the office if you would like to discuss tenure.
Stop-the-Clock Guidelines
Interested tenure eligible faculty should consult the College of Medicine's Stop the Clock guidelines for options to stop the tenure clock.