Speakers Bureau
SUNY Upstate Medical University offers more than 170 faculty experts to speak on a variety of issues from Alzheimer's disease to women's health issues.
Need an expert on a particular subject for the media?
Email Kathleen Froio, Office of Public and Media Relations, at [email protected].
Need a Speaker for your event or organization?
To find a speaker, email a detailed request to Kathleen Froio, Office of Public and Media Relations, at [email protected].
Please include:
- Date of your event
- Topic to be discussed
- Audience size
- Audience profile (school children or senior citizens)
- Length of presentation and contact information
Comprehensive list of topics
Expand all
- adolescent medicine
- adult immunizations
- air medical transport
- alcoholism
- Alzheimerís disease
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- anatomy education
- anesthesiology
- angioplasty
- animal research
- antidepressants
- anxiety
- arterial thrombosis
- arthritis
- asthma
- autoimmune diseases
- back pain
- balance disorders
- bioethics
- biomedical research
- bioterrorism
- blood disorders
- body donation
- bone and soft tissue cancer
- bone density
- bone marrow transplant
- bone research
- brain injury
- brain tumors
- breast cancer
- breast feeding
- breast implants
- burn treatment
- cancer
- genetics
- treatment
- breast
- colon
- head, neck
- liver
- prostate
- brain
- gynecological
- lung
- throat
- pancreatic
- skin
- cardiac arrhythmia
- cardiac catheterization
- cardiac imaging
- cardiothoracic surgery
- cataracts
- cerebral aneurysm
- cerebral palsy
- chest pain
- child abuse
- child psychiatry
- child psychology
- cholesterol
- chronic pain
- clinical microbiology
- clinical pharmacology
- clinical trials
- cloning
- colon cancer
- congenital heart disease
- critical care
- Ceasarean section
- cystic fibrosis
- cytogenetics
- defibrillators
- dementia
- depression
- developmental disabilities
- diabetes
- diabetic retiniopathy
- dialysis
- DNA analysis
- domestic violence
- drug toxicity
- e coli
- emergency medicine
- emphysema
- endometriosis
- environmental health
- epilepsy
- ergonomics
- ethics
- evidence-based medicine
- exercise
- family planning
- family therapy
- finance management (hospital)
- finance management (university)
- gastric bypass surgery
- gastroenterology
- gene therapy
- general surgery
- genetics
- geriatric care
- geriatric depression
- graduate medical education
- gun safety
- gynecological cancers
- gynecology
- hand surgery
- head and neck cancer
- headaches
- health psychology
- hearing disorders
- heart disease
- hematology/oncology
- hemophilia
- hepatitis B
- hepatitis C
- hip and knee replacement
- history of medicine
- hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
- hospital management/policy
- human parasites
- human radiation exposure
- hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- hypnosis
- immunology
- immunotoxicology
- infant care
- infectious disease
- infertility
- injury prevention in children
- interventional radiology
- invetro-fertilization
- irritable bowel syndrome
joint replacement
- juvenile diabetes
kidney disease
- laparoscopic surgery
- latex allergy
- leadership
- leukemia
- lipid disorders
- lung cancer
- lupus
- macular degeneration
- maternity care
- maxillofacial trauma
- medical education
- medical imaging
- medical technology
- medications
- menopause
- mental health
- microbiology
- morbid obesity
- multiple sclerosis
- neck cancer
- neuroimmunology
- neurology
- neuropathy
- neuroradiology
- neurosurgery
- nuclear medicine
- nursing
- nursing recruitment
- nutrition
- obesity
- obstetrics
- olfactory research
- oncology
- organ donation
- orthopedic research
- orthopedics
- osteoporosis
- pain management
- parasitology
- pathology
- pediatric cancers
- pediatric cardiology
- pediatric critical care
- pediatric emergency
- pediatric infectious disease
- pediatric rehabilitation
- pediatric surgery
- pediatric urology
- peptic ulcer disease
- perioperative blood
- pharmacology
- physiological processes
- poison prevention
- postpartum depression
- preventive medicine
- primary care
- prostate cancer
- psychiatry and behavioral sciences
- psychology
- pulmonary disease
- quality of life issues
- radiation oncology
- radiation therapy
- radiology
- Real Age
- reconstructive surgery
- rehabilitation
- residency education
- residency recruitment
- retinal care
- rual medicine
- seizures
- sexually transmitted diseases
- sickle cell anemia
- sinus surgery
- skin cancer
- sleep disorders
- smell and taste disorders
- smoking
- soy, benefits of
- spinal cord injury, research, surgery
- sports medicine
- street drugs
- stress reduction
- stroke
- suicide
- sun exposure
- surgery trends
- therapeutic writing
- thoracic surgery
- thyroid cancer
- toxicology
- transplant issues
- trauma
- vaccines
- Von Willebrand disease
- womens' health
- womens' psychiatric issues
- workplace health