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  • Reflecting
  • When hardship strikes
  • When finances pile up
  • When medical issues arise
  • Clearing skies

Upstate Employee and Student Emergency Fund

The Upstate Employee and Student Emergency Fund is a program available to provide emergency financial assistance to staff and students of Upstate Medical University who suffer sudden, non-recurring, unplanned economic hardship due to an emergency such as: an accident, illness, fire, or unexpected crisis. This program is not intended to provide financial assistance for ongoing financial struggles.

Economic hardship: the individual cannot reasonably be expected to meet his or her current obligations and normal living expenses from current income, cash, marketable securities and conventional loans or other savings.

Emergency financial assistance provided to an individual applicant shall not exceed $1000. Payment will be made directly to a creditor or vendor, such as utility company or medical provider. Payment will not be made directly to the individual.  Only under rare and extenuating circumstances will gift cards/certificates be supplied directly to an individual with follow-up documentation of appropriate purchase(s) required.

See the Policy and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information on eligibility and process.

For additional questions, please contact: 

  • Professional Development and Learning, Renae Rokicki at [email protected] or 315-464-9443.

Or  email: [email protected]
