Physician Response Team
The Department of Emergency Medicine, in cooperation with University Hospital and SUNY Upstate Medical University, provides field response by specially qualified EMS physicians in cases of a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) or disaster.
EMS and Fire agencies may also call for the on-call EMS physician to respond to assist with unusual or difficult cases where there is a delay in transport to the hospital. The Physician Response Team operates a specially equipped EASV, Upstate Squad 1, and can provide advanced medical and trauma assessments and treatment in the field.
The team can be requested through the Onondaga 911 Center (Fire Control) and will respond to MCIs, entrapments with delayed transport, large scale fires with heavy rehab needs, tactical medical standby, and any call where EMS or Fire personnel feel circumstances call for the presence of an EMS physician.
The Regional Medical Director has given these physicians special authorization to provide on-scene medical direction. Advancement of prehospital protocols is also a goal of the team. On-scene CQI and education are also provided when appropriate.
For more information, please visit the EMS & Disaster Medicine Physician Response Team web page.