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Burn Centers represent a small yet critical element to healthcare communities. Currently, there are only 126 burn care centers and a total of 1,198 burn specialty beds. With such a limited number of centers and beds, education becomes vital to all prehospital and outside hospitals who do not have burn care specialties. Most often burn centers are located rurally and have large service coverage areas. With the availability of Burn ECHO, it allows for easy access to skills and knowledge from the interdisciplinary team pertaining to patients with burn injuries. 

Additionally, just as other burn centers, we recognize it is imperative to always be prepared for a burn disaster, although rare. Part of preparation is ensuring that our local hospitals are provided with the necessary tools, skills, and knowledge in the event a burn disaster were to occur. Though Burn ECHO, a variety of education and resources will be offered to anyone interested in the care of a patient with a patient with a burn injury.


Tamara Roberts MSN, RN 

Tamara Roberts RN

Tamara is the Burn Program Manager for the Burn Service at Upstate University hospital. She received her MSN from Chamberlain College of Nursing. She has been with burn program for the past ten years. Ms. Roberts is responsible for ensuring quality measures are in place as well as ensuring requirements for American Burn Association National Verification are maintained. Ms. Roberts provides education to hospital staff who provide care to patients with burn injuries. Ms. Roberts provides vital burn education to prehospital and hospital providers bringing them the knowledge and skills necessary for preventing burns injuries. Additional to health care providers Ms. Roberts also provides burn prevention education to members of the community.
