The service is confidential, except where the information is required by law to be disclosed (threat of suicide, homicide; or reasonable cause to suspect that child abuse has been or may be taking place).
Using the EAP services is not a condition of employment. An employee may seek help from any other services, even if EAP is suggested. If an employee seeks assistance from EAP, she/he will meet with the Coordinator who will make an assessment of the situation, give the employee information and /or refer to an outside program, service, or agency for appropriate therapy or assistance.
Employee & Student Emergency Fund
The Upstate Employee and Student Emergency Fund is a program available to provide emergency financial assistance to members of Upstate Medical University who suffer sudden, non-recurring, unplanned economic hardship due to accident, illness, loss or disaster, such as: family crisis, fire, acute illness or natural disaster. Website and more information
Assessment and Referral
EAP provides confidential, information, assessment, referral services and short-term solution-oriented counseling as necessary to employees, their family members and retirees who are experiencing personal, family or work related problems that may negatively effect job performance.
Educational Resources
EAP staff is knowledgeable about helpful books, courses, tapes and videos. We also have information on community groups, agencies, and resource providers.