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Helpful Hotlines

4-KARE | 1-315-464-5273
This is Upstate Health and Wellness anonymous resource hotline for employees. It provides a 24/7 triage nurse with resources for any health and wellness issue, personal or workplace.

CONTACT, a local, Syracuse-based, 24-hour counseling, referral, and 24 hour suicide crisis line.

1-800-342-AIDS or 1-800-822-7422
The first number is the Center for Disease Control's National AIDS Hotline, providing information about transmission of HIV, Safe Sex, and referrals for counseling and testing, the second is Project Inform's HIV/AIDS Treatment Hotline.

1-800-DON'T CUT
This hotline is sponsored by the group Self-Abuse Finally Ends. (S.A.F.E.) and it provides information about self-injurious behavior. Available 8 am - 4 pm M-F. This is not a crisis line.  www.selfinjury.com

National Child Abuse Hotline

Panic Disorder Informational Line

NYS Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline
English: 1-800-942-6906
TTY: 1-800-818-0656
Spanish: 1-800-942-6908
TTY: 1-800-780-7660

Elder Abuse Information Hotline:
