Is my visit with the EAP staff member confidential?
Any contact with the EAP is treated confidentially. In no way is an individual's involvement in this program reflected in the personnel record. Confidentiality is paramount. The only exceptions to confidentiality are when information is required by law or executive order to be disclosed, when a person is likely to harm him/herself or others, or when there is reasonable suspicion of child abuse.
Will participation in the EAP jeopardize my job, especially an opportunity to be promoted?
No. Employees will not be penalized for participation.
When does a supervisor refer to EAP?
With job performance problems: The supervisor may suggest use of the EAP as a resource. It is well known that personal problems may affect one's ability to do his/her job. Without job performance problems: It is not uncommon for a supervisor concerned about an employee's well-being to refer him/her to EAP for support and guidance. A supervisor may call the EAP to find out how to refer a faculty/staff member.
What is the most common type of referral to EAP?
Self-referral is the most common. An employees may call, identify a problem or resource he/she needs, and request assistance.
What are the qualifications of the EAP staff?
Our EAP Coordinators have a graduate level counseling degree.
Are EAP appointments and client information stored in the Upstate Medical University computer system?
No. Client records are kept confidential in an EAP office and not located on the hospital computer software.
Why does Upstate Medical University have an EAP?
The Program is a resource for employees. It is designed to help our people lead healthier and more productive lives not just at work, but at home. Some of the direct and indirect benefits of EAPs are decreases in illness, absenteeism, accidents and interpersonal conflicts.
How much will it cost me to see the EAP coordinator?
There is no cost for EAP services.
Who is eligible for EAP services?
All State and Research Foundation employees, retirees and their families.
Do managerial or supervisory personnel make use of the EAP?
Yes, as we know life's stresses and strains affect us all.
How many times may I see the EAP staff member?
The EAP provides information, assessment and referral services, and short-term solution-oriented counseling as necessary. An employee may be seen for one to six sessions per problem per year.
How much time should I plan for my EAP appointment?
Plan on an hour for your appointment. The purpose of this time is for you to let the EAP staff member know about your problem or concern. By the end of the appointment, both of you will have a plan of action or recommendations outlined.
Under what circumstances will the EAP refer me to a counselor or agency?
You and the EAP staff member will determine whether the problem can be resolved within the scope of EAP services or whether a referral is helpful. Referrals include: private therapists, agencies, treatment centers or support groups.
When I receive a referral from the EAP do I pay for it and how?
There is no charge for EAP services. Some referrals are no charge, e.g. self-help groups. There may be affordable community services that charge based on your ability to pay. Other services, e.g. private therapists and treatment centers, will generally bill you or your health insurance. Every effort will be made to match your needs with the resources available. It is your responsibility to be sure that your benefits cover the referral.
Does EAP primarily help employees who may have psychological or chemical dependency problems?
No, not necessarily. Many of the people we see have everyday problems which have the potential of getting out of hand. Some of these might include: adjusting to separation/divorce or being widowed, learning to balance work and family, needing elder care resources, coping with children/adolescents, and managing stress.
EAP offers a comfortable, confidential setting for sharing your concerns with someone who is objective.
Source: SUNY Stonybrook EAP