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LBGTQ Resources

Pride Flags

This resource page was created to provide patients, employees, and community members with the available LGBTQ affirming resources both within Upstate and the Syracuse community at large. Our hope is to promote supportive services as well as the health and dignity of our LGBTQ community at Upstate.

Health Equality Index

SUNY Upstate for the first time ever, has participated in the Human Rights Campaign's Healthcare Equality Index for 2020. Healthcare Equality Index (HEI) is the national LGBTQ benchmarking tool that evaluates healthcare facilities' policies and practices related to the equity and inclusion of their LGBTQ patients, visitors and employees. Please check back to see the final evaluated score.

Interested in learning more about HEI? Check out https://www.hrc.org/hei

Patient Services & Support:

COVID-19 Resources for the LGBTQ Community:

Non Discrimination & Staff Training:

External LGBTQ Health Resources for Patients:

Employee Benefits & Policies:

General Campus Resources for Students, Faculty, and Staff:
