Cross Registration
As a student at Upstate Medical University, you are also a part of SUNY and are able to cross-register for courses at other SUNY institutions throughout the state. To be eligible to cross-register at another SUNY campus, you must adhere to both the SUNY Cross-Registration policies and Upstate Medical University’s local guidelines.
SUNY Cross-Registration policies
SUNY Upstate Medical University’s local guidelines
- Upstate Medical University students may cross register at other SUNY campuses for degree applicable courses when an equivalent course is not available at Upstate, the enrollment capacity has been reached in all Upstate sections of a course, and/or the student has a time conflict between two required courses that must be completed in a given semester.
- Upstate students must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) degree applicable credits at Upstate.
- Students are limited to six (6) credits of cross-registered coursework per semester.
- Cross-registration is available only for the fall and spring semesters; summer semesters are not included in the cross-registration agreement.
- Cross-registration is not available with community colleges.
- Students must have the approval of both the home (Upstate) campus and host institution (other SUNY campus). All students must submit an approved transfer credit form to the Registrar’s Office (Room 203, Campus Activities Building) prior to requesting cross-registration. Students are responsible for ensure that cross-registered course(s) will apply to the degree requirements at Upstate. Upstate students who cross-register at another SUNY campus without appropriate approvals may be charged tuition at the host institution.
- Upstate students will not be allowed to cross-register at another SUNY campus if there is a hold on their record that would prevent registration at Upstate.
- All course related fees in excess of tuition at the host institution are the responsibility of the student.
- The student is responsible for attendance and academic requirements of the course. Please note that registration deadlines and academic calendars of Upstate and the host institution may not coincide. It is the responsibility of the student to confirm and adhere to all relevant policies and deadlines of the host institution.
- The student is responsible for notifying the appropriate offices at BOTH Upstate and the host institution if you withdraw from a course(s). Failure to do so can result in a failing grade at the host institution.
- Enrollment changes may impact your eligibility for financial aid for the current and/or future terms. Prior to changing your enrollment, it is advised that you consult the Financial Aid Office at Upstate to determine any impact on financial aid eligibility and satisfactory academic progress.
How to Cross-Register for a Course
- Seek advisement on the course(s) you wish to take and confirm the course(s) will fulfill your degree requirements at Upstate. Obtain all necessary approvals on the Upstate transfer credit form and return the transfer credit form to the Registrar’s Office (Room 203, Campus Activities Building)
- Obtain the appropriate approvals from BOTH Upstate and the host institution through the SUNY Cross-Registration application. Once your request is submitted, it will be reviewed by both the Upstate Registrar and Director of Financial Aid and the appropriate personnel at the host institution. If approved, the host institution will contact you about your course registration.
- Complete any additional required application forms for the host institution and pay any fees, if applicable.
Applicable registration dates, academic calendars, and cross-registration contacts are available through SUNY Cross-Registration Resources. Be sure to check our Enrollment Procedures.