Recommended Resources
Online Resources
UpToDate, revised electronic text that is more and more a staple for physician reference
Off-campus: UpToDate is now available off-campus via iPage login
* See instructions below *
* See instructions below *
Harrison’s Online, featuring the complete contents of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th Edition
Medscape Reference, clinical knowledge base site which contains articles on 7,000 diseases and disorders
Medline Plus, medical encyclopedia and dictionary
Medical Encyclopedia
Medical Dictionary
Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
Print Resources
Pathophysiology of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Medicine (Lange series)Useful for basic mechanistic explanations
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
Wallach's Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
Helpful for interpreting a particular lab finding
The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics (often found in the pockets of interns and residents)
Very compact and direct summary of standard management of many common clinical situations.
Students will find it a quick way to make sense of the actions of the physicians caring for the patients described in the case reports.
Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology
Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
Definitive standard
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (Lange series)
- To begin a search in UpToDate, start with a single search term; additional terms can be entered on the next screen if desired. You can search on a disease, symptom, lab abnormality, procedure, or drug. Common abbreviations and word roots will often be recognized.
- Once you have entered your search term, single click on Go, or hit enter, and you will get a list of related keyword search terms.
- Select the keyword that matches your question. The first, more general keyword is often best in obtaining the full list of matches.
- Next, you come to a list of topic reviews in best match order. If the list is short, you can proceed to selecting a topic review.
- If not, click on the button shown to further narrow the results. You can focus your search based on available categories such as “Treatment”. Or you can combine multiple search terms using the secondary search field. You can also enter another search term and select a keyword from the resulting list as you did in your original search.
- When ready, single click on the title of the topic review you wish to see. Each topic review has an outline from which you can quickly preview the contents. Clicking on an outline heading will take you directly to that point in the text. There is no need to scroll through pages of text to find the answer you need.
- You can also locate where a specific word is mentioned in the text with your browser’s Find feature. Enter the word or term you seek and click “find next” to go directly to the first mention.
To search a single database, click the hyperlinked name of the database. To search more than one database simultaneously, select the check boxes of all the databases you want to compile into a multifile search session. For example, to compile an EMBASE, Ovid MEDLINE, and Your Journals@Ovid multifile, select the check boxes of these database names, then click the Continue button. Ovid opens your session on a Main Search Page of the database(s) you selected.
Each Ovid search mode has a search box that differs slightly from the others. The Basic Mode search box uses two text entry boxes: one for keywords and one for author names.The Advance Mode search box utilizes one command line capable of five different search types.The Find Citation mode search box utilizes text entry boxes for specific fields that help you find a known article with greater ease.
You can move easily between Ovid’s three search modes by clicking the search mode tabs that display with each search box. As you run searches, Ovid posts search statements and results to your search history. As search sets and results accumulate in your search history, the length of your strategy can become cumbersome. To manage longer strategies, Ovid displays only the four most recent statements in the search history.To view all search sets and results, click the Expand tab located on the right side of the search history. Ovid opens the search history to show all search sets and results within the current strategy; and the Expand tab is replaced by a Contract tab. To return to a compacted display, click the Contract tab.In your overall development of a search strategy, you may find it useful to combine the results of two or more search sets. To do so, click the Combine Searches icon. From this page, restrict or combine results from as many search sets as you want. To do so, follow these steps.
- Check the boxes of the search sets you want to combine.
- Choose a Boolean set operator from the pull-down menu.
OR Merges records of the selected search sets
- Click the Continue button.