Quiz Question Formats
"True, true and unrelated" formatEvaluate each of the two statements separated by "BECAUSE" for their validity and then, if both are true, evaluate the possibility that the second statement is the correct explanation for what is described in the first statement. Answer as follows:
A. TRUE and TRUE and the reason given is the CORRECT EXPLANATION
B. TRUE and TRUE but the reason given is NOT THE CORRECT EXPLANATION
C. TRUE (1st statement) and FALSE (2nd statement)
D. FALSE (1st statement) and TRUE (2nd statement)
"Most proximate cause" format
In a hypothetical causal sequence of events V leadin to W leading to X leading to Y leading to Z, the "most proximate cause" of Y is X if the question lists V, W, X and Z. Questions asking for the “most proximate cause” require constructing a hypothesis about the probable chain of events leading to the finding given for each item. In the hypothetical sequence above, if only V and Z are listed as choices for the most proximate cause of finding Y, then the answer is V. You could theoretically have an infinite number of steps between V and Y in your own hypothesis but the most proximate cause given the question structure is still V. If only Z and some irrelevant possibilities are listed as choices for causes of Y, then the answer is “… none of above...” Each choice may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
"Probability of diagnosis" format
Based on the clinical, laboratory and imaging data given in the case, select from the following the degree of certainty of each of the diagnoses given in the items below:
A. Diagnosis established (by definition of criteria)
B. Diagnosis probable (from context or given data) but more information needed to confirm
C. No basis for judging available in data given
D. Diagnosis improbable (from context or given data) but not ruled out
E. Diagnosis ruled out by data given