Nurse Residency Program: Faculty & Residents
The key faculty for the UMUNPR are Dr. Jennifer Vaughn, Executive Assistant Dean for Administration and Clinical Associate Professor at Upstate College of Nursing, and Dr. Clyde Satterly the Department Chair of Family Medicine and Medical Director at Upstate Family and Preventative Medicine at Upstate Medical University.
Advisory Board Role and Responsibilities
The UMUNPR Advisory Board is comprised of key project staff, the Dean of the Upstate College of Nursing, and representatives from each of the clinical sites affiliated with the UMUNPR. The advisory board will maintain overall responsibility for residency curricular development, review, and revisions in alignment with anticipated accreditation requirements. The advisory board will utilize rapid cycle quality improvement in the form of plan-do-study-act logic models to determine that the curriculum continues to meet the needs of participants, accreditation, and current professional practice standards.
Dr. Jennifer Vaughn, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CNE, Project Director
Dr. Jennifer Vaughn, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CNE,
Project Director
Dr. Jennifer Vaughn has over 22 years of nursing experience and holds her DNP from Chamberlain University with a focus in Healthcare System Leadership. In her role as Executive Assistant Dean for Administration and Clinical Associate Professor, she works with faculty, students, and alumni affairs in the areas related to educational programming, recruitment, retention, and sustainability. Dr. Vaughn is the Project Director for the Upstate Medical University Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship program.
Dr. Clyde Satterly, MD, MBA, Clinical Liaison Lead
Dr. Clyde Satterly, MD, MBA,
Clinical Liaison Lead
Dr. Clyde Satterly has 30 years of medical experience and holds his MD from Medical College of Pennsylvania, he is board certified in Family Medicine, Preventative Medicine, and Primary Care. In his role as Department Chair of Family Medicine and Medical Director at Upstate Family and Preventative Medicine at Upstate Medical University. Dr. Satterly grew the Family Medicine Residency program, tripling the number of faculty since 2022 and the inclusion of a Rural Training track to provide training to residents to practice in rural areas. An Urban Family Medicine Residency program was also created to serve as a teaching health center to undergraduate medical education as well as facilitate collaboration between the only federally qualified health center in the Syracuse area. Dr. Satterly is the Clinical Liaison Lead for the Upstate Medical University Nurse Practitioner Residency and Fellowship program.
Sarah Howell, MS Ed, Project Coordinator
Sarah Howell, MS Ed,
Project Coordinator
Sarah Howell has 15 years of experience in the nonprofit sector specifically in grant project management. Sarah is the main point of contact for day-to-day operations of UMUNPR. She is responsible for implementing, overseeing, managing, and tracking project activities and collaborates with all key personnel.