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Transferring Credits To a Program of Study

You may be considered a transfer applicant if you have attended one or more colleges or universities and have completed transferable college or university credits post-high school.

Transferring Credit into the Bachelor of Science Programs

The bachelor of science degree program is an upper-division transfer program for registered nurses with associate's degrees or diplomas in nursing. To transfer to Upstate, you must meet one of the following requirements: you are in progress toward an associate degree in nursing or have completed your associate degree in nursing. 

Students transfer 60 college credits from basic nursing programs as their prerequisites for the bachelor’s degree program. Our RN-BS in Nursing requires 61 credits to be completed within the Upstate College of Nursing program. Some of these 61 credits may be fulfilled through the transfer of college-level courses or via examinations. The residency requirement is 30 credits*.

Program of study transfer credit is granted when the nature, content, and level of the course is comparable to that offered by SUNY Upstate; the credit earned is appropriate and applicable to the program. To consider a course for transfer, a grade of C or better must be earned.

There is no time limit to receive credit for courses used to fulfill admission requirements or for free electives in the program for transfer credit.  Transfer credit requests for program of study courses will be evaluated by program faculty and Admissions.  Transfer credit may include up to 9 lower-division credits (100+ and 200+ level courses) of arts and science courses.

Articulation and Course Equivalencies

Use our tool to determine which courses from accredited community colleges may transfer into your program of study.

Articulation & Course Equivalency Guide

Transferring Credit into Graduate Nursing Programs

SUNY Upstate will consider graduate transfer credit from accredited colleges/universities. Transfer credit requests MUST be submitted at the time of application under the Upload Required Documents section. This will include all previous and current graduate courses. The Admissions Committee must review the course descriptions and syllabi to determine if the courses are eligible for transfer.

Residency Requirements per program*

  • Doctor of Nursing Practice: 34 Credits
  • BS to DNP: 74 Credits for FNP and PNP, 77 Credits for FPMHNP
  • MS: 36 Credits
  • Post-Masters Advanced Certificate: 20 Credits

  • Note: Residency Requirement refers to the minimum number of credits that must be completed at SUNY Upstate  

International Transcript Evaluation

For students receiving undergraduate degrees outside of the United States, a credential evaluation is required. While we are most familiar with World Education Services (WES), we will accept any evaluation service that is accredited by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services.
