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About the Campaign: Why Give?

These are challenging times. Thankfully, there are lots of superheroes battling challenges and making the world a better place. The videos below offer a glimpse into the ways these superheroes are helping people who are fleeing persecution and violence; learning to navigate college or a new language; and facing addiction, homelessness, hunger, or the end of life.

Now more than ever, these heroes need our financial support. Please donate to the agency(ies) that are most important to you.

Giving is your superpower.

Choose Your Charities

The Community Giving Campaign makes it easy to support those in need by offering thousands of local and statewide nonprofit organizations to choose from, including The United Way of CNY, Upstate Medical Alumni funds and The Upstate Foundation funds. Upstate employees may choose from any of the following:

The campaign runs September 23 - December 2024. Pledge now for 2024.
Payroll deductions begin in Jan. 2025.

Tree Carter, Upstate Community Hospital
United Way of Central New York | United, We Do More.
Upstate Foundation | Wanda Fremont
McMahon Ryan Child Advocacy Center
Food Bank of Central New York
A Reason for Giving | InterFaithCNY
Rescue Mission
Jewish Community Center of Syracuse - Caring for the Entire Community
Find out how an Upstate nursing student was helped by On Point for College.
SEFA 2020 Campaign Message