Hegazy, H., Venkatachalam, S., Sharain, K., Potharaju, A., French, S., Dadkhah, S. Audicor S3 Detection, A Sound Approach for The Dyspneic Patient. Poster presented at: Tenth Congress of Chest Pain Centers.; Nashville, TN. Critical Pathway in Cardiology. 2007 Sep; 6(3): 143.
Dadkhah S, Sharain K, Sharain R, Newman K, Hegazy H, Venkatachalam S, French S. Immediate Exercise Stress Testing in the Chest Pain Center, a 10 Year Experience. Poster presentation at the Tenth Congress of Chest Pain Centers, Nashville, TS, April, 07. Circulation. 2007 Oct; 116(2): 382.
Dadkhah, S., Sharain, K., Sharain, R., Kiabayan, H., Zonia, C., Huettl, B., Franch, S., Gray, E., Venkatachalam, S., Hegazy, H., Aldinger, G. The Value of Cardiac Multibiomarker Assay in Rapid and Accurate Diagnosis of Acute Coronary syndrome.Critical Pathway in Cardiology. 2007 Jun; 6(2): 76-84.
Venkatachalam, S., Hegazy, H., Sharain, K., French, S., Kesani, A., Dadkhah, S. Clinical Significance of Elevated BNP and NT-proBNP in Euvolemic Hemodialysis Patients. Poster presentation at the Tenth Congress of Chest Pain Centers, Nashville, TS, April, 07.Critical Pathway in Cardiology. 2007 Sep; 6(3): 143.
Venkatachalam, S., Hegazy, H., Sharain, K., Gray, E., French, S., Dadkhah, S. Critical Pathways for Acute Myocardial Infarction, a 10 Year Experience at a Community Hospital. Poster presentation at the Tenth Congress of Chest Pain Centers, Nashville, TS, April, 07. Critical Pathway in Cardiology. 2007 Sep; 6(3): 144.
Tamam Mohamad, Peter Vaitkevicius, Khaled Bachour, Morhaf Ibrahim, Housam Hegazy, Samir Diab Agha, Luis C. Afonso. Cocaine-Related Chest Pain- Utility of TIMI-Risk Stratification and Effects of Beta Blockers on Outcome. Annual Scientific Sessions, American College of Cardiology, Atlanta March 2006.
Presentations/Poster Sessions
Hegazy, H., Venkachalam, S., ; Riaz, K., Newman, K., Kokosadze, E., Shrastha, K., Murad, M., Singh, B., Friedman, H., Kogan, A. (2007, September). Heart attack or Octopus heart? Poster presented at: SGIM; Chicago, IL.
Hegazy, H. Potharaju, A., Kolla, B., Venkatachalam, S., Elmishi, O., Shackour, S., Marina, S., Friedman, H. (2007, September). Hemolytic Anemia Secondary to Malignant Hypertension. Oral presentation presented at: SGIM; Chicago, IL.
Hegazy, H., Akhtari, M., Mansuri, J., Friedman, H., O'Brien, D. (2007, April). An Increasingly Recognized Cause of Stroke in The Young (Basilar Artery Dissection). Poster presented at: 30th SGIM Annual Meeting (International); Toronto, ON.
Hegazy, H., Murad, S., Akhtari, M., Naeem, F., Shackour, S., Marina, S., Pokhrel, B., Friedman, H., Costas, C. (2007, September). Gas Gangrene by an Unusual Pathogen. Poster presented at: SGIM; Chicago, IL.
Kolla, B., Bollineni, M., Potharaju, A., Venkatachalam, S., Hegazy, H., Thangavellu, T., Friedman, H. (2007, September). BIRT HOGG DUBE SYNDROME- Rare Case of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax. Poster presented at: SGIM; Chicago, IL.
Newman, K., Korosh, S., Sakour, S., Hegazy, H, Friedman, H., Dadkhah, S. (2007, September). Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) - Induced Artifacts in ECG of a Patient With Non-ST Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction. Poster presented at: SGIM; Chicago, IL.
Shackour, S., Akhtari, M., Newman, K., Murad, S., Hegazy, H., Venkatachalam, S., Barakat, A., Friedman, H., Costas, C. (2007, September). Neutropenic Enterocolitis. Poster presented at: SGIM; Chicago, IL.
Venkatachalam, S., Hegazy, H., Marina, S., Pokhrel, B., Sagum, J., Friedman, H. (2007, September). Left Renal Splenosis Mimicking Renal Cancer and Inadvertent Nephrectomy. Poster presented at: SGIM; Chicago, IL.
Venkatachalam, S., Naeem, F., Singh, H., Hegazy, H., Kolla, B., Friedman, H. (2007, September). A Case of Isolated XII Cranial Nerve Palsy, Could Multiple Myeloma Be The Cause. Poster presented at: SGIM; Chicago, IL.
Venkatachalam, S., Shakour, S,. Saravanan, V., Ali, M., Hegazy, H., Friedman, H. (2007, September). Giant Abdominal Wall Hematoma with Intraperitoneal Extension - A Rare but Important Site of Bleeding During Anticoagulation. Poster presented at: SGIM; Chicago, IL.
Venkatachalam, S., Shakour, S., Ali, M., Murad, M., Hegazy, H., Friedman, H. (2007, September). Giant Skull Metastasis from Lung Cancer with Interesting CT scan Appearance. Poster presented at: SGIM; SGIM, IL.
Venkatachalam, S., Singh, B., Saravanan, V., Thangavelu, T., Hegazy, H., Friedman, H. (2007, September). Rhabdomyolysis in A Patient on Atorvastatin, But Is Statin Really The Cause? A Diagnostic Challenge. Poster presented at:SGIM;Chicago,IL.