Introduction to the Specialties
In the fall of the first year of medical schools, students are introduced to the most common specialties through group meetings. Faculty panels representing each specialty engage students in Q&A sessions and provide general overviews of their fields.
Summer Opportunities
In the early part of each calendar year, a Summer Opportunities Fair is hosted by the Division of Student Affairs. During this event, second and third year students host tables in which they highlight summer experiences in which they engaged the previous year. In addition, many offices, like Financial Aid and the Research Office host tables at which students learn about on-campus work study opportunities and research projects in which they can become involved.
Career Advisory Dinner
Every January, the Alumni Foundation hosts this dinner in which faculty and alumni “staff” specialty-specific tables at which students can learn more about particular fields and make personal connections with future mentors and resources.
Tales from the Trail
Each March, fourth year students host a virtual event for their third year colleagues at which they provide a preview of what students might experience the following year. Specific residency programs are discussed, travel advice is shared and generally, third year students are put somewhat at ease by hearing stories directly from folks who literally just returned from the trail.
Class Meetings
The Dean of Student Affairs and the Residency Advisors host career development and residency planning meetings throughout students’ medical school careers. These meetings provide “need it now,” hands-on information about the next milestone students will experience. Topics include, but aren’t limited to: Academic Success; Transitioning to Year Two; Step One Prep; Entering the Clinical Years; The Residency Application Process.