Faculty Development
Faculty Development at Upstate
The link below will take you to the College of Medicine Faculty Development web-page, where you can find mentoring resources, administrative documents and faculty events calendar:http://www.upstate.edu/facultydev
The link below will take you directly to the forms needed for appointment and promotion for voluntary faculty:
Residency Program Curriculum - A Step by Step Guide
Fluorescent colors improve surgery
Surgeons are taught from textbooks which conveniently color-code the types of tissues, but that's not what it looks like in real life -- until now. With contemporary technology, a molecular marker can make tumors light up in neon green, and nerves shine in bright yellow, showing surgeons exactly where to cut:
Related Documents:
- Medical Student Education for Residents
- Medical Student Education for Attendings, CNMs, NPs and PAs
- How to get Online Physician CME from MedEdPortal
- Voluntary Faculty Promotion Guidelines
- Giving Feedback - Do's and Don'ts
- Library Access for Licensed Physicians who are NYS Residents
- Off Campus Access to Library Resources
- Public Speaking
- Tips for Faculty
- Blooms Verb List
- Clinician Educator Handbook
- The Good, Bad and Ugly in Teacher Evaluations
- Medical Student Education by Dr. Folk
- Clinical expertise and the limits of explicit knowledge
- Variation and Imprecision of Clerkship Grading
- Success Types in Medical Education
- Primer on Deliberate Practice
- Patients Fear Disagreement with Doctors