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Radiation Therapy, BS/BPS: Technical Standards

Applies To

This policy applies to Radiation Therapy students in the College of Health Professions.

Policy Statement

SUNY Upstate Medical University complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. All applicants and students are held to the same academic and technical standards of admissions and training. Reasonable accommodations will be made for qualified individuals with a disability. However, the student is expected to perform these functions in a reasonably independent manner.

Technical Standards

Radiation Therapists are highly specialized members of the oncology health professional team who utilize beams of ionizing radiation produced by various specialized units to treat patients with malignant diseases.

Radiation Therapy students are held accountable for the following Technical Standards:

  1. Observation:
    1. Students must have sufficient visual capacity to:
      1. Visualize information presented in images on paper, computer monitors, slides, and video.
      2. Observe laboratory and/or lecture demonstrations.
      3. Observe patients accurately at a distance, close at hand, and on a video monitor.
      4. Observe treatment set up lights and lasers in a darkened treatment or simulation room.
      5. Distinguish between red and green colors.
  2. Communication:
    1. Students must be able to speak intelligibly, hear sufficiently, elicit and transmit patient information in oral and written format to members of the healthcare team, and communicate effectively and sensitively with patients.
    2. They must demonstrate reading skills at a level sufficient to accomplish curricular requirements and provide clinical care to patients.
    3. They must possess verbal and written communication skills in the English language sufficient to effectively communicate with other members of the healthcare team and patients.
  3. Sensory and Motor Function:
    1. Students must have the functional sensory and motor skills to directly perform the physical set up of patients for treatment.
    2. They must have sufficient motor function to safely and accurately manipulate the treatment and simulation machines and accessory devices.
    3. They must possess functional sensory and motor skills to execute quick and purposeful movements during emergency treatment of patients.
  4. Intellectual:
    1. Critical thinking is a necessary skill for radiation therapists, so students must have the intellectual capacity to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, integrate, and synthesize information from various modalities to effectively treat patients.
    2. They must have the ability to comprehend spatial relationships of structures and three-dimensional images.
    3. They must be able to accept and learn through a variety of teaching modalities including classroom lecture, cooperative learning, online, small group activities, laboratory exercises, individual and group presentations, and the use of technology assisted learning.
  5. Behavioral and Social Attributes:
    1. Students must at all times demonstrate the emotional stability to be able to exercise good judgment, prompt completion of all responsibilities attendant to the care and treatment of patients, and the development of mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with patients and other members of the healthcare team. They must:
      1. Problem solve in a timely manner.
      2. Tolerate physically taxing workloads.
      3. Function effectively under stress.
      4. Have the ability to adapt to changing environments, display flexibility, and learn to function in an environment of uncertainty inherent in the clinical practice of radiation therapy.
      5. Treat all patients, families, colleagues, and other members of the healthcare team with dignity and respect, not discriminating against any for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other protected category.
      6. Demonstrate honesty, integrity, dedication, compassion, nondiscrimination, and motivation.
      7. Accept constructive criticism and respond appropriately with an acceptable modification of behavior.


Technical Standards are a set of standards necessary for a student to be able to succeed in the curriculum.

Related Information

  • Student Code of Conduct
  • College of Health Professions Program Website

Policy History

Review Date:

Change Description:


Policy from Student Handbook Website reformatted for MCN Policy System. Policy reviewed and approved by the Dean’s Advisory Council.


Policy reviewed and reapproved by the Dean’s Advisory Council with no changes.


Policy reviewed and reapproved by the Dean’s Advisory Council with no changes.
