Research in Physical Therapy
Physical therapy research at SUNY Upstate is helping to develop innovative approaches and techniques that will aid with improved patient recovery and long-term physical well-being.
Biomechanics/Orthopedic Physical Therapy
The study of Biomechanics and Orthopaedic Physical Therapy across the department includes a range of faculty interests. There is a focus on foundational modeling and understanding of pathological mechanics along with studies exploring interventions and patient outcomes.
- Christopher Neville, PT, PhD
- Michelle Dolphin, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, FAAOMPT
- Adam Rufa, PT, PhD, DPT, OCS
- Objective measures of physical activity and sleep quality in those with persistent concussion symptoms: Use of activity and sleep monitoring to inform clinical care.
Neuroscience/Neurologic Physical Therapy
The Neuroscience research focus across the department of Physical Therapy education explores brain physiology using non-invasive brain stimulation, and investigates how central nervous system pathology impacts function across a range of patient populations.
- Promoting Fine Hand Motor Skill Learning in Chronic Stroke Survivors Using Transcranial Photobiomodulation.
- Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Study the Neurophysiological Basis of Motor Control and Motor Learning.
- Hand Dexterity and Neuroplasticity Developed with Musical Instrument Training.
- Using Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Mitigate Headaches and Post-concussion Symptoms in Concussion.
Exercise Physiology/Geriatric Physical Therapy
The research focus on exercise across the lifespan fits well within the department of PT education where faculty are engaged in studies exploring modes of exercise and outcomes.
Human Development/Pediatric Physical Therapy
There is a strong research interest in the Department of PT Education on understanding infant development and improving our clinical recommendations to improve motor outcomes.
- The SPROUT Project: Starting pregnancy with robustness for optimal upward trajectories
- Determining optimal dosage of prone positioning to facilitate motor development and body composition in early infancy
- Family attitudes about infant screen time
- 4-point crawling-- Nice or necessary?
- Clinical evaluation of the pressure relief capability of the Loop cushion: a low-cost, inflatable wheelchair cushion
- The EASE oF ID (Pilot) Project: Establishing Autism spectrum disorder Signs Earlier by Following high-risk Infant Development
Healthcare, Administration, Policy, Education
The study of healthcare delivery, educational administration, and educational strategies is a focus across faculty in the Department of PT education