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Doctor of Physical Therapy: Technical Standards

Applies To

This policy applies to Physical Therapy students in the College of Health Professions.

Policy Statement

SUNY Upstate Medical University complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. All applicants and students are held to the same academic and technical standards of admissions and training. Reasonable accommodations will be made for qualified individuals with a disability. However, the student is expected to perform these functions in a reasonably independent manner.

Technical Standards

Physical therapists seek to prevent and remediate limitations in body structures and functions, activity limitations and participation restrictions; maintain and promote fitness, health, and quality of life; and ensure availability, accessibility, and excellence in the delivery of physical therapy services to the patient.

Physical Therapy students are held accountable for the following Technical Standards:

  1. Acquire and accurately interpret information from the basic and clinical sciences, including but not limited to information conveyed through laboratory dissection, physiologic demonstrations, and physical demonstrations at a distance and close at hand.
  2. Acquire and accurately interpret information from written documents and identify information presented in images from paper, videos, transparencies, slides, computer monitors, and other types of visual and auditory displays.
  3. Accurately elicit from a history and other information required to adequately and effectively evaluate a patient’s condition.
  4. Select and perform examinations of aerobic capacity, gait and balance, integumentary integrity, joint integrity, motor function, muscle performance, neuromotor development, pain, posture, range of motion, reflexes, self-care, sensory integrity, ventilation, respiration, and circulation while maintaining the safety of the patient, oneself, and others nearby.
  5. Use and interpret information from all diagnostic maneuvers (e.g. observation, palpation, auscultation, manipulation of equipment, movement of a patient's entire body or portions of a patient's body) during a comprehensive physical therapy exam.
  6. Synthesize information to develop a plan of care for patients.
  7. Problem solve and critically think in order to manage all aspects of patient/client management.
  8. Safely perform interventions including but not limited to therapeutic exercise, functional training, manual therapy, debridement and wound care, physical agents, electrotherapeutic modalities and the prescription, application and fabrication of assistive/supportive/protective devices.
  9. Demonstrate reading, writing, and verbal skills in the English language sufficient to accomplish curricular requirements and provide clinical care to patients and clients in a variety of classroom and clinical settings.
  10. Communicate effectively, sensitively, and efficiently in oral, written, and nonverbal modes with faculty, patients, families, and all members of the healthcare team.
  11. Develop effective, professional relationships with faculty, patients and families, peers, and relevant others in a manner consistent with the American Physical Therapy Association’s Core Values.
  12. Utilize intellectual ability, demonstrate emotional stability, and exercise sound judgment in urgent and emergency situations, as well as in a variety of other situations and environments, including but not limited to circumstances of stress, uncertainty, and taxing workloads.


Technical Standards are a set of standards necessary for a student to be able to succeed in the curriculum.

Related Information

  • Student Code of Conduct
  • College of Health Professions Program Website

Policy History

Review Date:

Change Description:


Policy from Student Handbook Website reformatted for MCN Policy System. Policy reviewed and approved by the Dean’s Advisory Council


Policy reviewed and reapproved by the Dean’s Advisory Council with no changes


Policy reviewed and reapproved by the Dean’s Advisory Council with minimal changes
