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Technical Standards

Applies To

This policy applies to Medical Biotechnology students in the College of Health Professions.

Policy Statement

SUNY Upstate Medical University complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. All applicants and students are held to the same academic and technical standards of admissions and training. Reasonable accommodations will be made for qualified individuals with a disability. However, the student is expected to perform these functions in a reasonably independent manner.

Technical Standards

Graduates specializing in medical biotechnology work with a team of individuals who conduct medical research in academic or industrial settings. In university laboratories, these individuals assist scientists by performing experiments that are part of a medical research study. Graduates are prepared for roles in research and other aspects of the profession, such as quality control, management, and teaching.

Medical Biotechnology students are held accountable for the following Technical Standards:

  1. Sensory and Observation Functions:
    1. Students must have sufficient capacity to:
      1. Visualize information presented in images from paper, slides, and in digital form.
      2. Observe laboratory and lecture demonstrations.
      3. Operate a clinical grade binocular microscope to discriminate among fine structural and color differences of microscopic specimens, to include hue, shading, and intensity.
      4. Distinguish color changes associated with laboratory tests.
      5. Differentiate by touch, hotness/coldness, wetness/dryness, and hardness/softness for safety purposes.
  2. Communication:
    1. Students should be able to speak intelligibly, elicit and transmit information in oral and written format to members of the research/healthcare team, and communicate effectively with instructors and other students.
    2. They must be proficient in English verbal and written communication skills.
  3. Motor Function:
    1. Students must have functional sensory and motor skills to directly perform laboratory procedures.
    2. They must have sufficient motor function to utilize laboratory instruments.
    3. They must possess functional motor skills to demonstrate basic laboratory techniques.
    4. They must possess functional motor skills to perform procedures for processing biological specimens for analysis.
    5. They must comply with laboratory safety measures and regulations, and practice standard precautions against contamination with infectious pathogens (e.g. wearing personal protective equipment; working with sharp objects; and hazardous materials).
  4. Intellectual:
    1. Critical thinking is a necessary skill for laboratory personnel. Students must have the intellectual capacity to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, integrate, and synthesize information from various modalities to effectively perform laboratory tests.
    2. They must be able to integrate and relate laboratory data while making judgments about possible discrepancies, confirm abnormal results, verify quality control procedures, and develop solutions to problems concerning the generation of laboratory data.
    3. They must be able to accept and learn through a variety of teaching modalities including classroom lecture and discussion, cooperative learning, small group activities, laboratory exercises and demonstrations, individual and group presentations, and the use of technology assisted learning.
  5. Behavioral and Social Attributes:
    1. Students must at all times demonstrate the emotional stability to be able to exercise good judgment and promptly complete all responsibilities in the laboratory setting.
    2. They must perform problem solving skills in a timely manner.
    3. They must be able to function effectively under stress.
    4. They must have the ability to display flexibility and adapt to changing environments.
    5. They must treat all instructors, students, and other members of the healthcare team with dignity and respect.
    6. They must demonstrate honesty, integrity, dedication, compassion, nondiscrimination, and motivation.
    7. They must be able to accept constructive criticism and respond appropriately with an acceptable modification of behavior.


Technical Standards are a set of standards necessary for a student to be able to succeed in the curriculum.

Related Information

  • Student Code of Conduct
  • College of Health Professions Program Website

Policy History

Review Date:

Change Description:


Policy from Student Handbook Website reformatted for MCN Policy System. Policy reviewed and approved by the Dean’s Advisory Council


Policy reviewed and reapproved by the Dean’s Advisory Council with no changes.


Policy reviewed and reapproved by the Dean’s Advisory Council with no minor changes.

