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How To Apply To College Of Health Professions Bachelor's Degree Programs 

Thank you for your interest in applying to SUNY Upstate Medical University. We are dedicated to recruiting highly qualified candidates with diverse backgrounds and unique skill sets for admission into our programs. 

This page explains how to apply for our bachelor's degree programs.

Application Deadlines

All bachelor's degree programs begin in the fall. 

The following deadlines are important to note as you begin the application process:

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Early Assurance for High School Seniors

Early Assurance applications open  September 1. The deadline to submit is no later than 11:59 pm EST on March 1. Applicants will apply directly to their program of interest.

For Fall 2027 Admissions, applications are due:

Mar 1, 2025

Early Assurance for College Freshman

Applications for the Early Assurance for College Freshmen application open on January 2. The deadline to submit is no later than 11:59 pm EST on March 15. All supporting documents must be post-marked by April 1.

For Fall 2026 Admissions, submit all application materials by:

Apr 1, 2025

Regular Admissions

The SUNY Upstate College of Health Professions begins accepting undergraduate program applications September 1 for the following fall semester*.

Applications will remain open until the program and the alternate list fill, or June 1, whichever happens first. We recommend applicants apply by late November, as interviews begin in January (admission is rolling) and some programs tend to fill in early spring. 

We will announce program and alternate list closing on our Facebook page.

* If space is available, applications for the Medical Imaging/BPS-MRI and BPS-CT programs will open in January. If you're interested in being notified when the application opens and where clinical sites are located, please e-mail [email protected]. Include your name and the program you're interested in (BPS-MRI or BPS-CT). Us the subject line: "Medical Imaging-BPS application notification". The BPS-MRI and BPS-CT programs are for applicants who are ARRT certified or ARRT certification eligible in radiography (X-ray technology) and will have an associate's or bachelor’s degree in radiography (X-ray) upon enrollment.


Before applying, applicants are encouraged to review the prerequisite courses for their intended program of study. Prerequisite courses may be viewed online by program: 

A course equivalency guide for the College of Health Professions prerequisites is available online. Please note that applicants are not required to attend any of the colleges listed on the guide. 

Applicants may apply without having all prerequisites completed. But, they must be completed by the time the program begins. Some courses may be met with CLEP or Excelsior Exam credit. 

If you have questions about prerequisites, e-mail Student Admissions at [email protected]. 

Completing The Application:

Early Assurance For High School Seniors

Please review the application process for the Early Assurance for High School Seniors program prior to applying.  

Early Assurance is available for all bachelor’s degree programs in the College of Health Professions, except Medical Imaging, BPS-MRI, and BPS-CT. Applicants can only have one active application. 

If you completed prerequisite courses in high school and can finish the remaining ones within a year after graduating, you should apply Early Assurance. Once admitted, the applicant can submit a request to the Admissions Committee to enroll a year early. Student Admissions will need to check the student’s completed prerequisites and also receive verification from the student’s college that all required prerequisites can be completed prior to enrolling. 

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Step 1: Complete the SUNY Upstate College of Health Professions Application

Submit the Early Assurance Program application for High School Seniors (open September 1 through March 1) for the program you’re applying to. List on the application all the classes you are currently taking and/or plan to take during your senior year of high school.

Application - Early Assurance for High School Seniors

Step 2: Letters of Recommendation

Letters should come from people who know you in an academic or professional capacity such as teachers, a school counselor, an employer, or a supervisor from a volunteer activity. We'd strongly recommend at least one letter of recommendation from a teacher, preferably within science, who can comment on your academic ability. Personal references will not be considered.

Applicants will include their reference's name, title, and e-mail address on the Upstate College of Health Professions application. Once you enter your reference’s information in the application, they will be sent instructions on how to submit the letter of recommendation. Both you and your references will receive a confirmation once it’s submitted.

Step 3: Submit Official High School Transcript

Applicants are required to submit an official high school transcript. We cannot accept transcripts via Naviance or SCOIR. Please have your School Counselor mail or email the transcript to our office.

Transcripts may be sent via:

  • E-mail: Sent from your high school Guidance Office to [email protected] (preferred) or
  • Mail: SUNY Upstate Medical University, Student Admissions, 766 Irving Ave., 1212 Weiskotten Hall, Syracuse, NY 13210 

Early Assurance Admissions applicants do not need to submit college transcripts for courses taken while in high school at the time of application. If admitted, the student will need to submit the official college transcript(s).

International applicants should contact Student Admissions to discuss options for submitting a high school transcript.

Step 4: Ten-Week Grade Report

Early Assurance applicants are required to submit an official ten-week grade report (first marking period grades/report card) which can be sent to Student Admissions from the applicant’s high school via:

  • E-mail: Sent from your high school Guidance Office to [email protected] (preferred) or
  • Mail: SUNY Upstate Medical University, Student Admissions, 766 Irving Ave., 1212 Weiskotten Hall, Syracuse, NY 13210 

Step 5: Test Scores

Early Assurance applicants need to submit official SAT and/or ACT scores. Scores should be sent to Upstate from the testing agency.  Or, we will accept scores e-mailed to our office if sent directly to [email protected] by the applicant’s School Counselor’s work e-mail.

Our policy for the SAT’s is to accept the highest score in the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section and the Math section, even if they are from separate SAT’s.  For ACT’s, our policy is to accept the highest score from the Math, Science, English and Reading sections, even if from separate ACT’s.

High school seniors graduating in 2025 and applying for fall 2027 are NOT required to submit SAT or ACT scores.

Early Assurance For College Freshmen

Please review the application process for the Early Assurance for College Freshmen program prior to applying.

Early Assurance students do NOT submit a SUNY application at this time. If admitted, the student will complete a SUNY application the year they enroll. Applicants must be able to complete all the prerequisites by mid-August of the year of entry.

Early Assurance is available for all bachelor’s degree programs, except Medical Imaging/BPS-MRI and BPS-CT.

Applicants can only have one active application.

Please visit the website prior to applying to review admission requirements. SAT or ACT scores are not required.

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Step 1: Complete the SUNY Upstate College of Health Professions Application

Submit the College of Health Professions Early Assurance for College Freshmen application for the program of interest.

Application - Early Assurance for College Freshmen

Step 2: Official High School Transcript

This may be sent to our office from the applicant’s high school via:

  • E-mail: [email protected] (preferred) or
  • Mail: SUNY Upstate Medical University, Student Admissions, 766 Irving Ave., 1212 Weiskotten Hall, Syracuse, NY 13210

We cannot accept transcripts via Naviance or SCOIR.

The transcript must show the applicant’s high school graduation date.

Step 3: Letters of Recommendation

Two letters of recommendation are required. One must be from a professor (preferably science) from the applicant’s undergraduate college. The second may be from either

  1. A high school teacher who taught the applicant in their junior or senior year of high school or
  2. A second college faculty member who taught the applicant.

Personal letters of recommendation will not be accepted. Once you enter your reference’s information in the application, they will be sent instructions on how to submit the letter of recommendation. Both you and your references will receive a confirmation once it’s submitted.

Transfer applicants applying in the fall of their freshman year of college and earned enough college credits while in high school to transfer after one year of college may submit one letter of recommendation from a high school teacher from their junior or senior year of high school (preferably science).

Step 4: Submit Official Transcripts

Submit official transcripts from all colleges attended. This includes college credits earned while in high school or over a summer or winter term.

Official transcripts should be sent to:

  • E-mail: [email protected] (preferred) or
  • Mail: SUNY Upstate Medical University, Student Admissions, 766 Irving Ave., 1212 Weiskotten Hall, Syracuse, NY 13210

Transfer Students (Regular Admission)

Please review the application process for transfer students prior to applying.

Applicants that have previously completed a bachelor's degree program are considered transfer applicants.

Transfer applicants can apply without all the prerequisite courses completed. However, they must be able to complete them prior to the start of classes. List on the application all the classes you are currently taking and/or plan to take prior to entry into the program, if admitted.

Applicants can only have one active application at a time. 

Once your application is submitted and processed, you can view your checklist to see what's been received. Once you’ve requested a needed item and it’s been sent, it may take several days before we receive it and it’s uploaded to your application. As items are received, they are entered into the checklist with the date they arrived.

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Step 1: Complete the SUNY Upstate Application

Submit the College of Health Professions application for the program you’re applying to.

Application - College of Health Professions

Step 2: Letters of Recommendation

Two letters of recommendation are required. Letters should come from people who know the applicant in an academic or professional capacity such as college professors, an academic advisor, an employer, or a supervisor from a volunteer activity. We'd strongly recommend, but don't require, one letter of recommendation from a college professor, preferably in science, who can comment on your academic ability.

Letters of recommendation will not be considered from:

  1. personal references,
  2. high school teachers or counselors,
  3. co-workers/colleagues, or
  4. athletic coaches.

Applicants will enter the reference’s information in the “Add Recommender” section of the College of Health Professions application, then click on the “Send to Recommender” button. This will initiate an e-mail sent from Student Admissions to the reference with instructions on how they will submit the letter of recommendation electronically.

Transfer applicants applying in the fall of their freshman year of college and earned enough college credits while in high school to transfer after one year of college may submit one letter of recommendation from a high school teacher from their junior or senior year of high school (preferably science).

Step 3: Submit Official Transcripts

Transfer applicants are required to submit official transcripts from every college attended or every college they have received credit from. Transcripts can be sent from the colleges to Student Admissions.

Official transcripts should be sent to:

  • E-mail: [email protected] (preferred) or
  • Mail: SUNY Upstate Medical University, Student Admissions, 766 Irving Ave., 1212 Weiskotten Hall, Syracuse, NY 13210

Applicants with transcripts from foreign countries (excluding Canada) must send us an official evaluation of their credits from an organization listed on this page, if we will be using any of the courses to meet prerequisites. Evaluations must include translations to English (if not the original language) and converted to the US system of education. Or if we won’t be utilizing any of the college credits to meet prerequisites, we will require an original transcript (without an evaluation of credits) sent to our office directly from the foreign college or university.

Once Your Application Is Complete

Once you have submitted your application in full, your next steps will be: 

Await Evaluation

After all required items are submitted, your application will be screened. When reviewing applicants, we look at the whole person, not just their GPA. We consider factors such as the student's coursework, career awareness, interests, talents, background, and personality. With a holistic perspective, we take time to get to know applicants as people, not as numbers.

Regular admission and Early Assurance for College Freshman applicants will have their transfer credits evaluated.

Qualified applicants will be contacted to set up a Zoom interview. Decisions are sent out via e-mail.

Secure Your Place

Please see your acceptance letter for a deadline to respond to the offer. Regular admissions applicants will pay a deposit to secure their place in the class. The deadline date is indicated on the acceptance letter.  Early Assurance accepted students will not submit a deposit at their initial acceptance but will respond to the offer by the deadline indicated on their acceptance letter.  They will submit a deposit in January of their entry year once their acceptance has been finalized.

Complete A Background Check

Incoming students will be required to submit a background check after being admitted, and prior to enrollment at SUNY Upstate. Students are admitted conditionally until background check results are obtained and reviewed by SUNY Upstate.

Attend Orientation

Enrolling students are required to attend Orientation, prior to the start of the semester — with the exception of BPS-CT and BPS-MRI students participating in the online program. Here you’ll get to know your professors, network with other accepted students and get a feel for the campus.

Have Questions

Need more specifics about the program? Questions about admissions requirements? Contact the College of Health Professions Admissions Counselor:

Wendy Meyer
Senior Assistant Director of Admissions, Undergraduate Admissions Advisor

Request Advisement

Virtual Information Sessions

The Office of Admissions is conducting virtual information sessions for those who are interested in College of Health Professions programs.

Admissions Events