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Fall 2024 Course Offerings

August 26 - December 17, 2024

A Cooperative Program of Upstate Medical University, and Syracuse University

Public Health Ethics

Sandra Lane, PhD
Time: Monday 5:15pm-8pm
Location: Falk 104

This course addresses ethical issues in public health. Public health ethics is a new area of scholarship practice that addresses population-level health issues, such as issues food stamps and health insurance, immunizations, public health research, legal and policy. 3 credits

Culture, Communication & Ethics in Health Care

Rebecca Garden, PhD
Friday 12:30pm-3:30pm
Location: TBD

This course provides a model for collaborative and culturally sensitive and skilled communication in healthcare. Through the study of ethics cases, narratives, and literature, students will analyze disparities and discrimination in health care for people who are deaf and disabled. Students will explore solutions through deaf studies, disability studies, and narrative approaches to bioethics and healthcare. Guest speakers will include members of the Deaf community, disability studies scholars and advocates, sign language interpreters, and healthcare professionals.


CCM courses are open to upper division undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty from the cooperating institutions and members of the public. For members of the public permission of the instructor is required.


  • SUNY Upstate Medical University students: MyUpstate
  • Syracuse University students: My Slice

Members of the public can register through any of the two institutions.
For complete course descriptions of our courses visit: www.upstate.edu/ccm
