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Reordering Pages

By default, when a page is added to a website, it gets put at the bottom of the menu.  This may, or may NOT be where you want it!  Re-ordering the location of links in the left menu is a very simple process in the Cascade CMS.

wrong order!

A sample of the new page in the wrong place.

To re-order items, first click on the folder that the page is inside. This will display the items in that folder.  Now select the Order column heading to show the items in the order they will display.  Now that they are listed in order, you just need to click and drag the item up or down to the place you want it (see below)

drag to where it should be


NOTE:  Don't click on the name of the page, you must click to the right of the page name.  You will know it is the right spot when your cursor becomes a Four Point Arrow.  Then you can click and drag. 

To see your changes live, remember to republish every page in this folder, as well as any page that has these pages in their menus. In some cases, this may mean publishing the entire site.
