Move / Rename / Delete an asset's file name (URL)
There are risks with changing or removing an asset's URL.
- Non-Cascade links to this file or page may become broken. Eg. If the page is linked to from a Find A Doc or external site, those links will turn into 404s (File Not Found).
- Bookmarked pages will become broken. If a page is bookmarked on an individual's computer, that bookmark would return a 404 error. If it is a popular page or pdf within your site, it's advised not to move or rename unless you are sure of minimal issues.
If renaming/moving a high-profile asset is a necessity, please relay to Web Support, who can add redirects.
Move an asset
Move asset to a different folder
Click the page, image, or pdf you want to change and select Move/Rename from its tabs or dropdown list. It will then let you change the name and/or move the asset into a different folder.
When moving, renaming, or deleting an asset, make sure you have the "Unpublish Content" checkbox checked. Unless you are an advanced user, always have this option checked.
After moving the asset, remember to publish the asset and any page that has a link to the asset in their menu for it to show up correctly on the live-site. When in doubt, publish everything.
Move a page within a menu
That is done by changing the order in folder. See Site: Reorder Pages in Menu.
Rename an asset
Rename the system name
Click the page, image, or pdf you want to change and select Move/Rename from its tabs or dropdown list. It will then let you change the name and/or move the asset into a different folder.
When moving, renaming, or deleting an asset, make sure you have the "Unpublish Content" checkbox checked. Unless you are an advanced user, always have this option checked.
After renaming the asset, remember to publish the asset and any page that has a link to the asset in their menu for it to show up correctly on the live-site. When in doubt, publish everything.
Rename a page's "Title" "Display Name" or "H1: Header Title"
That can be changed by editing the page. See Pages: Create and Edit. Afterwards, publish the page. For changes in "Display Name", publish any page that has that page in its menus.
Delete an asset
Deleting from Site and Cascade
- Click the asset you want to change and select "Delete" from the tabs or dropdown (it might be hidden under "More" in its tabs).
- Essential: When moving, renaming, or deleting an asset, make sure you have the "Unpublish Content" checkbox checked. If you do not unpublish content, the asset will remain on the web and/or www servers (thus deleting from Cascade but not from the site). People with a direct link to this asset will still be able to access it.
- After deleting the asset, republish all pages that have linked to that asset to leave no trace on the live site.
To recover a deleted asset, there is a Recycle Bin tab in your Dashboard. The recycle bin is cleaned out every few weeks. Any trouble, contact us.
Remove from Site but keep in Cascade
This can be difficult.
- Select "Publish" from the tabs/dropdown.
- Change the button from "publish" to "unpublish" and submit.
- Publish all pages that linked to that page in their menus. Remember to not republish the page you just unpublished.
Remove from Menus but keep on the Site and in Cascade
- Select "Edit" from the tabs/dropdown
- Select the checkbox which hides the page from menus
- Republish page as well as all pages that linked to that page in their menus.