Navigating Cascade
Assets: Locate Assets
How to find your stuff in Cascade.
Assets: Replacing Images and Other Assets
Assets: Upload to Cascade
Upload images and documents from your computer to the Cascade CMS.
Basics: Basic Terms
There are a few basic terms you should know before being trained in updating...
Basics: How to Log-in to Cascade
Before you can get stuff done, you need to log in.
Pages: Move, Rename, or Delete
Making changes to your site structure can lead to unintended errors, so follow...
Pages: Publishing to Website
Once edits are complete, pages must be published before they are seen live on...
Pages: Revert to Previous Version
Did your page look better a few days, weeks, or months ago. Revert!
Site: Reorder Pages in Menus
Sort your left column navigation and top menu to the order you prefer.