Latest Cascade News
New iPage is live!
02.08.2018 New Edit Button!
During our push to create a responsive website that is easier for people to use on mobile devices, we've also been working on ways to make it easier for You, our content editors to keep your sites current. With this in mind, we introduce: The Edit Page link! Now, at the bottom of all New Responsive sites, there is a link that, when clicked, will take you directly to that page in Cascade for you to edit. Of course, you'll have to login, but after that, just click the "Edit" button and begin.

02.01.2018 New UMU Homepage has a new homepage, redesigned for the first time in five years.01.15.18: New Global Menu
That's right, not only is editing pages easier than ever, the global menu that is at the top of every page has been moved to a slide-out "drawer" on the right side of the page. Click the icon at the top and it slides out to reveal the same links and search box that were there before. It makes for a much less cluttered page from the top down!