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Replacing Images and Other Assets Cascade

IMPORTANT:  Be sure that when replacing images, the new image is THE SAME SIZE as the old image or the new one will be distorted after uploading.  Use an image editor like Photoshop or PixlrExpress to edit the image before bringing it into Cascade.

Many times websites do not go through a constant changing of content and imagery. Sometimes, the only things that change are a few key documents that are provided for download or important information.

Updating existing files and images is a very easy matter in Cascade, because once a PDF, file, or image has been added to the system, uploading a new version overwrites the old one and does not require changing links in multiple places.

To update a file (in this example we'll use a PDF file, but it is the same for any PDF, File or image) begin by finding the file to update in the asset tree. Then click once on the file to select it, then click the Edit tab to open it for editing.

You should now see the same drag-n-drop interface for uploading a new document.


In this case, when you upload a document, it will overwrite the old one with the new one, and none of the links will change. In addition, with the automatic workflow step (see below) it will publish the file automatically.

auto workflow screen

