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Publishing Your Changes to the Website

Once edits are complete, pages must be published before they are seen live on the website.  There are a few different ways that pages can be published. Presented here are the preferred ways of publishing.

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What needs to be published based on your changes

Changes Publish
  • Internal content of a page (the central region)
  • Page's "Title" renamed
  • Block inside the content (eg. contact block, slideshow)
  • Links or image paths changed (urls)
Just the page
  • Page renamed (url/system name)
  • Page renamed (display name)
  • Page moved
  • Page hidden
  • Page deleted
  • Creating a new page (that is not hidden)
All pages that link to that page in their navigation. This may mean publishing all pages in a folder or publishing all pages in a site.
  • Default Left column block changed
  • Default Right column block changed
  • Footer Contact block changed
  • Folder Contact block renamed
All pages in the site (or folder if the changes are folder-specific)

Publish just the page

When you have completed the edits, and submitted your changes, visit the page you want published and click "Publish" in the top menu.


This will initiate publishing of the item and bring up the next screen:


If you are making major changes to the site, please publish your changes in the -web destination (our testing server, available only internally) before publishing again to the -www destination (available to everyone). Other default selections will be sufficient and you may click "Submit" to complete the process.

Once the process is complete you may see a reloaded page with the green Confirmation bar at the top is visible).


Otherwise, Cascade might send you to the Publish Status Page (to access, click the "cascade logo" dropdown, click "publisher", and then "active jobs.") The publish status page gives you the status of the assets you published. Once your asset disappears from the page (might be almost immediately, or could take up to a minute) you will know your changes will be viewable on web.upstate.edu and/or www.upstate.edu.

Alternate method:

You may also publish a page by selecting the "Publish" command on the fly-out menu at the end of the page name as in the image below.  Follow the same steps to complete the process.


Remember, if you made changes to your page's appearance on your site's navigation (eg. changing the Display Name), you need to publish all pages that have that navigation.

Publish multiple pages

When assets are modified that impact more than one page, an entire section or in some cases, a whole site needs to be republished. This process is similar to publishing a page, but it is initiated in a slightly different way.  To publish a section (or a directory), select the directory, and then make sure all items are checked (see image below).  Then select the "Publish" option from the "Select One" dropdown near the bottom of the window. This process will publish your site to both the web and www versions. If you want your changes to only appear on "web", publish a whole folder or Base Folder using the technique in the next section.


Once the process is complete you may see a reloaded page with the green Confirmation bar at the top is visible).


Otherwise, Cascade might send you to the Publish Status Page (to access, click the "cascade logo" dropdown, click "publisher", and then "active jobs.") The publish status page gives you the status of the assets you published. Once your asset disappears from the page (might be almost immediately, or could take up to a minute) you will know your changes will be viewable on web.upstate.edu and/or www.upstate.edu.

Publish entire site

If you need your navigation correct on all pages, you might as well publish the whole Base Folder of your site.


  • Click on Base Folder.
  • Select "Publish" from the top tab list.


  • Click on the Base Folder's dropdown triangle (the "fly-out" menu")
  • Select "Publish"


  • Select "yoursite-web" if you are publishing to the testing server.
  • Select "yoursite-www" if you are publishing to the live site.

The main detriment to republishing your site this way is that it will republish all images and documents, which will extend the time it takes for your changes to publish successfully. Instead, you could follow the directions in "Publish multiple pages" and select all pages and all folders containing pages.

Once the process is complete you may see a reloaded page with the green Confirmation bar at the top is visible).


Otherwise, Cascade might send you to the Publish Status Page (to access, click the "cascade logo" dropdown, click "publisher", and then "active jobs.") The publish status page gives you the status of the assets you published. Once your asset disappears from the page (might be almost immediately, or could take up to a minute) you will know your changes will be viewable on web.upstate.edu and/or www.upstate.edu.

Troubleshooting: I don't see my changes

Sometimes, in order for you to see changes made to a page or file online, you will need to "clear your cache."

What's Cache?

Cache are files from the internet that are stored on your computer in order to increase the speed of your internet experience. Example: on every Upstate page is the Upstate logo. Instead of finding and reading the image from the Internet everytime you click on an Upstate page, it saves a version on your computer so it's one less thing to load next time.

Why do I need to clear it?

When a change you expect does not show up.

How do I clear my cache?

The easiest way is a "force refresh."

  • Windows: on the webpage, slect CTRL + F5
  • Mac/Apple: Apple + R or command + R
  • Linux: F5
  • Depending on the browser, holding down Shift or Ctrl while clicking the browser's refresh button may refresh the cache.

I'm not sure I'm clearing my cache, how can I be sure?

Here's a great cache test (outside site). You will get a red image when you first visit the page. If you successfully clear your cache the image should turn green! Also a great way to test out a few refresh combinations to pick one that works best for you.

View the asset in Cascade, and check when it was last published by clicking. (in the top-right corner) "Details" -> "Properties" -> "Last Published." If the asset has not been published since your changes, publish the asset.

In a page or file, you can check to make sure you are looking at the right URL

  1. Visit the asset in Cascade
  2. Click "... More" (in top-right area of page)
  3. Select "Live"

That should take you to the correct URL.

