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Locating Assets (Pages and Files) in Cascade

In the latest version of the Upstate web page template, more content has been put into blocks than before.  This is to make it easier to reuse content, and also easier to facilitate the programming that makes the various assets perform correctly throughout the site.  Blocks can be added above and below the main content area of a page, so you may find that the content you're trying to edit is in a block, not the wysiwyg area.

With the use of more blocks than before, it is all the more important to be sure to be descriptive when naming blocks, so it will be easier to find them if they need to be edited later.


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Types of Assets

  • Icon page Pages - When pushed live, a ".php" extension is added. They are located in the "Base Folder" as well as internal folders for your site's internal departments and services.
  • Folder icon Folders - the structure of your site. All folders not preceded by an underscore (_) mimic the folder structure the live site (aka what shows up on a page's URL).
  • Icon file Images / PDFs / Documents - These are the files you can upload from your computer. Images include the file extensions JPG, GIF, and PNG and are all found within the "images" subfolder. PDFs are included in the "pdf" folder and only are accepted with a ".pdf" extension. Documents are found in the "files' folder and contain DOC, XLS, and PPT files.
  • Icon block Blocks - These are building blocks that make up a site. These include blocks that create a site's name, design, navigation, logos, and right column. For pages, there are blocks to add quick links, images, slideshows, accordions, contact boxes, and many more. Pretty much anything on the site that requires complicated code are put into blocks. These blocks are associated with a page or added directly to a page to assemble the page. Any folder or file in the Base Folder with an underscore preceding it is a block or contains blocks.
  • Icon external External Links - References other pages, external to Cascade. These are found in the "_cascade" folder if they are linked inside other blocks. If these are links that show up in a site's left or top menu/navigation, they can be found throughout your site. If this is the case, it is ideally used minimally.
  • Icon reference Reference Link - Best described as an internal link, if you find th. In our latest responsive template, we are moving away from using this file type.

Locate Asset via URL

You can use a URL's path to find the location of pages, images, and documents.

Example 1: Find the page: http://upstate.edu/com/curriculum/procedures.php

  • Check the URL: Breaking up the URL you have a page "procedures," which is within the folder "curriculum," which is within the site "com," which is within the "upstate" site.
  • In cascade, go to the site "com" via the gray drop-down site list next to the Cascade Server logo.
  • Go to the folder "curriculum"
  • Click on the "procedures" page.

Example 2: Find the image here: http://upstate.edu/com/students/index.php

  • Right-click the image and select to either "View Image" (Firefox), "Open Image in New Tab" (Chrome, Safari), or "Copy Image URL" and paste it into your the browser (Internet Explorer).
  • Check the URL, in this case http://upstate.edu/com/images/students_home.jpg
  • Go to the "com" site in Cascade.
  • Go to the "images" folder
  • Click on the "students_home.jpg" image.

Example 3: Find the 2012 Annual Security Assessment PDF found on the page http://www.upstate.edu/universitypolice/about/reports.php

  • Right-click the document link and "Copy URL" or "Copy Link Address."
  • Paste the URL in the browser or in a text document or a blank email. You just need to read it. In this case it says: http://www.upstate.edu/universitypolice/pdf/2012-security-report.pdf
  • Go to the "universitypolice" site in Cascade.
  • Go to the "pdf" folder
  • Click on the "2012-security-report.pdf" document.

Locate via search

If you know the system-name, try the search box (visible in the top-right section of Cascade). Click "Go to Full Search" if your asset is not showing up in its suggestion.

Locate blocks via editing a Page

This might be complicated if you have not learned about editing a page. Usually blocks you can visually see (multimedia or content blocks) are findable via the Page.

  • Visit the page that has this block in Cascade and click "edit."
  • Don't make any edits to the page.
  • Find the block you want to find, hover over it, and using its triangle dropdown, click "view." It should then open the block, and give you its location in its name and folder structure.

If it does not give you a location, or if the you don't have an "edit" option for your block, you will have to ask Websupport to edit.

Where's my....

  • site? You change your site in the gray drop-down box at the top of the page, to the right of the Cascade Server logo.
  • homepage? This is "index" page within the Base Folder. You may have to scroll down, as it may appear near the bottom of the folder structure.
  • image? Images are located within the "images" folder. The image icons look like a Polaroid. Image icon
  • document? If documents are PDFs, they are in the "pdf" folder. Any other documents (Word, Excel, etc) would be located in the "files" folder. The document icons also have the Polaroid look to it.
  • page? Pages have a blue-paged icon Page icon associated with it. They are found within the Base Folder and any page that's not associated with blocks, images, files, or documents.
  • block? Here are ones most content editors have access to:
    • _site-info block is found in the Base Folder. This contains styles and templates as well as the name of your site. Chances are you will not have access to edit this. If you need any of these changed, contact web support.
    • _right-column - these are found in the Base Folder and decides what the "default" right column would look like if a page has that option selected. These can also be found in subfolders within the site. When a page searches for its "default" right column, it will look in its own folder first, and then search it's parent, and then it's grandparent, (etc.) until it finds this block.
    • _footer-contact -  these are found in the Base Folder and decides what name is placed in the "contact ____ with aquestions about the content of this page" footer text. Like the default right column, these can also be found in subfolders within the site. When a page searches for its footer contact info, it will look in its own folder first, and then search it's parent, and then it's grandparent, (etc.) until it finds this block.
    • a content block (an accordion, quick links, etc) - these are located in Base Folder/_cascade/blocks/data/
    • a multimedia block (an image, slideshow, YouTube video, etc) - these are located in Base Folder/_cascade/blocks/data/
    • other blocks (blue page contact box, residents list, faculty profiles, etc) - these are found in folders and sites that you probably won't have the ability to edit. Feel free to contact us with changes to these blocks.

I found it! Now what can I do?

When you are viewing an asset (or clicking it with the right-button in the site-content area or from a block chooser), you'll see a few options:

  • View: By default, when you select an asset, it displays in View mode. It will look similar to the way it will appear on the website.
  • Edit bottonClick this edit the content.
  • Publish ButtonClick this to publish the content to web and/or www servers.
  • Comments buttonUse if you want to leave comments about an asset for yourself, your team, or our web team. These comments do not notify anyone else they exist, unless you @ their username. If you want to be sure to contact someone, use email or our websupport ticket system.
  • Details buttonFind out file metadata, properties, who last edited or published asset and when.
  • More button brings up a submenu:
    • Move: move asset to a new folder
    • Rename: rename asset's system-name (how it's viewed in the site content asset tree and on the live site's url)
    • Copy: copy asset. Note: this will not automatically take you to your newly created asset. Be sure after you copy that you are editing the correct asset.
    • Delete: This tab lets you send an asset to a Trash, with options to unpublish from the site.
    • Unpublish: remove asset from website, but keep in Cascade. You may have to republish your navigation afterwards.
    • Check-out/Lock: This lets you lock/unlock an asset so you can have complete control over it so others can't edit. Web team can override a lock.
    • Relationships: what other pages and blocks are linked to this asset.
    • Versions: The Web CMS saves the last 20 versions of the saved page. Using this tab, you can revert to a previous version of the page. It also indicates who last worked on the page and when it was modified.
    • Reference: Advanced option. Create links to this page inside a different folder. Not in use in RWD4.
    • Tasks: Optional. Set up a todo list for the asset, if you like.
    • Schedule Review: Optional. Create a reminder for when you want this asset edited next. Eg. if a page references a deadline, you may want that page changed once the deadline is passed.
    • Mark as Reviewed: Optional. To let you and others know that the content is complete and accurate.
    • Show Regions: not in use/useful.
    • Full Screen Preview
    • Rendering Metrics: for admin use, shows how long it took an asset to load.
    • Live: see what this asset looks like on the live site. If the asset is not on the live site, it will show an error.