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The Multimedia Block

We have two blocks available for most users to create content for a page. Blocks are used in Cascade when plain old text and links won't do. If you want an accordion, image gallery, youtube video, or quicklinks, it requires a bunch of code that only the developers really want to deal with. To add these features, just create a new block, add your data, save, and then go into a page and pick that block in a block chooser (aka "Choose a block"). Here is the Multimedia Block:

Multimedia Block

Location: New -> Create -> New Block - Multimedia

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Single Image

single image block

  • Select Largest Image: choose an image that is inside Cascade. If your image has corresponding images of a smaller size, select the largest version of this image.
  • Sizes: If you used a 1000x500 upload asset factory, corresponding 700x350 and 400x200 images were created along with them. If that is the case, make sure this box is checked. Do not check this box if the "Largest Image" selected is 700x350 or 400x200 in size. Do not check this box if the corresponding images no longer contain "-700x350" and "-400x200" before its extension name. If you interested in why we have these corresponding images, read up on SRCSET.
  • Description (Alt Text): Describe the image. What are you conveying to users. Eg. say you have an image of a lab researcher. If it's a stock photo, you may write ~"Person working at a lab". If it's a doctor in your department you may say ~"Dr. SoAndSo researching the effects of SomethingOrOther on SomeOtherThing." Alt texts are read by screen readers, and is required as part of our accessibility standards.
  • Caption: Optional. If checked, it will take the description and add it to the bottom of the image.
  • Optional: link: you can search or browse for a page, image, pdf, or document within cascade to have as a link when this image is clicked on. You can also input an external link, but first you have to create an external link via the content block.

Random Image

random image block

This option allows an image to appear on refresh. When you visit a page, the code will take one of the images specified and place it in the block, ignoring the rest of the images you placed in. A quick refresh and you may see an entirely different image.

  • Sizes: If you used a 1000x500 upload asset factory, corresponding 700x350 and 400x200 images were created along with them. If that is the case, make sure this box is checked. Do not check this box if the "Largest Image" selected is 700x350 or 400x200 in size. Do not check this box if the corresponding images no longer contain "-700x350" and "-400x200" before its extension name. If you interested in why we have these corresponding images, read up on SRCSET.
  • Caption: Optional. If checked, it will take the description and add it to the bottom of the image.
  • Plus/Minus/Arrows icons: click the (+) icon to add a new image. Delete using the (-) icon. You can change the order using the arrows, but since the block grabs one of these by random, the order does not matter.
  • Select Largest Image: choose an image that is inside Cascade. If your image has corresponding images of a smaller size, select the largest version of this image.
  • Description (Alt Text): Describe the image. What are you conveying to users. Eg. say you have an image of a lab researcher. If it's a stock photo, you may write ~"Person working at a lab". If it's a doctor in your department you may say ~"Dr. SoAndSo researching the effects of SomethingOrOther on SomeOtherThing." Alt texts are read by screen readers, and is required as part of our accessibility standards.
  • Optional: link: you can search or browse for a page, image, pdf, or document within cascade to have as a link when this image is clicked on. You can also input an external link, but first you have to create an external link via the content block.


gallery images block

This block shows your images as thumbnails that you can click on to see a bigger version of the image.

  • Sizes: If you used a 1000x500 upload asset factory, corresponding 700x350 and 400x200 images were created along with them. If that is the case, make sure this box is checked. Do not check this box if the "Largest Image" selected is 700x350 or 400x200 in size. Do not check this box if the corresponding images no longer contain "-700x350" and "-400x200" before its extension name. If you interested in why we have these corresponding images, read up on SRCSET.
  • Plus/Minus/Arrows icons: click the (+) icon to add a new image. Delete using the (-) icon. You can change the order using the arrows, but since the block grabs one of these by random, the order does not matter.
  • Select Image: choose an image that is inside Cascade. If your image has corresponding images of a smaller size, select the largest version of this image.
  • Caption for the image: This shows up along with the image, when the image is clicked on.


slideshow block

  • Sizes: If you used a 1000x500 upload asset factory, corresponding 700x350 and 400x200 images were created along with them. If that is the case, make sure this box is checked. Do not check this box if the "Largest Image" selected is 700x350 or 400x200 in size. Do not check this box if the corresponding images no longer contain "-700x350" and "-400x200" before its extension name. If you interested in why we have these corresponding images, read up on SRCSET.
  • Caption: Optional. If checked, it will take the description and add it to the bottom of the image.
  • Plus/Minus/Arrows icons: click the (+) icon to add a new image. Change the order using the arrows. Delete using the (-) icon.
  • Select Largest Image: choose an image that is inside Cascade. If your image has corresponding images of a smaller size, select the largest version of this image.
  • Description (Alt Text): Describe the image. What are you conveying to users. Eg. say you have an image of a lab researcher. If it's a stock photo, you may write ~"Person working at a lab". If it's a doctor in your department you may say ~"Dr. SoAndSo researching the effects of SomethingOrOther on SomeOtherThing." Alt texts are read by screen readers, and is required as part of our accessibility standards.
  • Optional: link: you can search or browse for a page, image, pdf, or document within cascade to have as a link when this image is clicked on. You can also input an external link, but first you have to create an external link via the content block.

YouTube Video

video block

Do not change the width and height unless you are sure of what you are doing. Changing it may effect it's look on phones and tablets.

  • Video ID: path that appears in the youtube URL. For example the url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeaehxEdpgo is how you access a video in You Tube. The video ID is the "v=" information, in this case KeaehxEdpgo.
  • Caption: A blue text that appears below the video.
  • Width and Height: This is in our standard 2:1 format


Use to add an embeded MP3 audio file to your page (different exensions may not play on all browsers).

File location:

  • Full Url: use if the MP3 is outside of Cascade. If selected, you will then have the option of adding the Full URL.
  • Prefix URL: use if the MP3 has the same naming convention as the page (used mostly for our site's podcasts)
  • Cascade file: use if the MP4 is available in Cascade. It will give you the option to then select that file.