Editing your News Section
Your task flow for adding an article and its content to your feeds:
Content | Required? | Read this Tutorial |
A feed image (a 2x1 image that appears in your news feed) |
Optional | Upload Feed Image |
In-content image(s) (images for your page that are not the feed image) |
Optional | Upload in-content images |
Page Content (text that appears in the article) |
Required | Create Page |
Publishing that Content | Required | Publish Page and Feeds |
Upload feed image
- Use the "Articles -> Upload image for feed 1000x500" for large images or "Upload image for feed 400x200" for small images. Make sure your image is already sized 1000x500 or 400x200 before beginning the upload process in cascade. Here's help on editing images and we also have an Image Maker to assist creating quick quality images.
- Your image needs to end in ".jpg"
- Image name needs to match the System Name as the article, with the "images" folder preceding the path and ".jpg" at the end of the name.
Article Path | Image Path |
malt-mystery-merlot | images/malt-mystery-merlot.jpg |
news/malt-mystery-merlot | images/news/malt-mystery-merlot.jpg |
news/2018/malt-mystery-merlot | images/news/2018/malt-mystery-merlot.jpg |
2018/0405-malt-mystery-merlot | images/2018/0405-malt-mystery-merlot.jpg |
Publish Image
Save, submit, and publish your image just like you do for regular images. You should already have a Cascade Workflow that publishes your uploads automatically. It may take up to two mintues for the image to appear on the live site. You can return to the file in cascade and click "More" -> "Live" to make sure it has been pushed live.Upload in-content images

In-content image sizes
You can use any image size in your "Upload" asset factory folder as an in-content image. But here we will focus on two that may be available for you inside your "Articles" asset factory folder
- 400 width image
- 1000 width image
Create the image
Learn how to create images for web and try out our Image Maker which has 400w and 1000w options. It's best to have the images at their final size before uploading to Cascade.
Upload the image to Cascade
- Click (+) Add Content
- Click "Articles" folder
- Click the appropriate "Upload Image In-Content" option
- Filename: whatever you want, lowercase, no spaces, ending with ".jpg", ".gif", or ".png".
- Click the dark-blue preview and submit buttons to save and publish the image.
Add image to the page
- In the Page create a new paragraph at the point where you want that image to appear.
- Select "Insert/edit image" and add the internal in-content image and click "OK".
- Click on the image (or surrounding "p" tag) and click Formats -> Custom -> and select the "Image align..." you want for the image.
- If you want a border, click Formats -> Custom -> "Image Border"
- To add a caption click to the right of the image (or below if it lets you), in the box area, and start typing.
Create Page
Create Article
Creating an article is much like creating a page, which you learned you were trained in Cascade. To create a new article:
- Go to (+) Add Content
- Select "Articles" dropdown item (if you have a large news site, it might be under the current year, eg "2020 Articles")
- Select "Create News Article" dropdown item
Edit Article
Essential fields in the Content tab:
- System Name - name of the article, possibly shortened, lowercase, dashes instead of spaces (eg. "upstate-wins-award")
- Display Name - the title of your article (eg. "Upstate Wins Award")
- Content - this is a WYSIWYG where you add the text of your article.
- Tags - this is where you add your categories. There should already be a category there, and if your site doesn't deal with categories, don't add or remove tags. All categories tags need to be preceeded by "category-". Eg, if you have a category called "Patient Care", you'll want to add the tag "category-Patient Care". You can delete or add categories, but at least one category must appear in order for it to show up in your feed.
Important fields in the Metadata tab:
- Summary - a sentence description of the article that will be seen in your article feeds. This could be simply the first sentence in the article or a better description of what people will read.
- Start Date - when the article first shows on the site. This appears as "Published on" on the page, and also in the feeds. In news sections, the start time is used by the feeds to sort your article. If you do not list a start-date, your news feed may look wonky. The Start Date should automatically show the exact minute you created the page, but you can change it to a previous or future date.
Possibly-important Metadata fields for large news/events sites:
- Metadata: End Time - Assuming your content is evergreen, there will be no need for an "end time," but might be useful if you are promoting an event. If you add a date, the article will unpublish from the site on that date.
- Metadata: Article Subheadline - this is for event/news sites that want to feature a very-small text in your card-styled feed. Often this is a brief date of an event, like "July 4" "Sept 24" or May 1."
Auto-filled fields for news/event sites that you don't need to edit:
- auto-image-grabber - a block may have been added to your page so that it can retrieve an image associated with the page.
- the right column - this section shows a series of metadata and info about the page, like the start time, and share buttons. If the article has more than one category tag, it might be featured here.
- the ankle - above the footer, this most likely has a selection of four recommended articles (the articles listed are most likely ones that appear before or after the current article)
- tree picker - center-right. Unlike most of Upstate's pages, news sites hide the left column navigation and instead show the right column (which features are noted above).
Preview Draft
To save your work, click "Preview Draft". If you move away from the page, you can return to this draft by going to "My Content -> Drafts".
In the draft preview
- Make sure your content looks correct
- Check the blue cascade-only box that has information about the page that shows up on the feeds. It will let you know if you are missing anything essential or anything you expect to be there but is not working (like if it finds the optional feed image based on the page path)
If everything looks right, click "Submit Draft". Now onto publishing....
Create External News Item
Create External Link
Creating an external link features many steps in the "Create Page" item above.
- Go to (+) Add Content
- Select "Articles" dropdown item (if you have a large news site, it might be under the current year, eg "2020 Articles")
- Select "Create External News" dropdown item
Edit Article
Essential fields in the Content tab:
- System Name - name of the article, possibly shortened, lowercase, dashes instead of spaces (eg. "2023-upstate-wins-award")
- Display Name - the title of your article (eg. "Upstate Wins Award")
- Tags - this is where you add your categories. There should already be a category there, and if your site doesn't deal with categories, don't add or remove tags. All categories tags need to be preceeded by "category-". Eg, if you have a category called "Patient Care", you'll want to add the tag "category-Patient Care". You can delete or add categories, but at least one category must appear in order for it to show up in your feed.
Important fields in the Metadata tab:
- Summary - a sentence description of the article that will be seen in your article feeds. This could be simply the first sentence in the article or a better description of what people will read.
- Start Date - when the article first shows on the site. This appears as "Published on" on the page, and also in the feeds. In news sections, the start time is used by the feeds to sort your article. If you do not list a start-date, your news feed may look wonky. The Start Date should automatically show the exact minute you created the page, but you can change it to a previous or future date.
Possibly-important Metadata fields for large news/events sites:
- Metadata: End Time - Assuming your content is evergreen, there will be no need for an "end time," but might be useful if you are promoting an event. If you add a date, the article will unpublish from the site on that date.
- Metadata: Article Subheadline - this is for event/news sites that want to feature a very-small text in your card-styled feed. Often this is a brief date of an event, like "July 4" "Sept 24" or May 1."
If everything looks right, click "Submit" aka the blue buttons until you get the workflow section.
Publish Page and Feeds
There are two ways of publishing your page, and two ways of publishing the feeds, but only one way does both at the same time, and that's running the Publish Page and Feeds Workflow. This will automatically publish the page as well as the feeds that the page would be on.
The other way is to publish the page directly by going to the page and clicking "Publish". If it asks for a workflow, uncheck it. You may choose to publish the page alone if:
- Your changes do not affect the feeds (eg. changing text within the page)
- You do not want the page to show up on the feeds immediately.
The other way to publish the feeds is to publish the "_extra" folder. The "_extra" folder has all your feeds inside it. This may take longer than using the workflow, because the workflow only publishes feeds that may feature your page, while publishing the whole folder will publish files that didn't need to be published.
Add External Link Item
In Cascade, click (+) Add Content -> Create News External (might be in a separate News/Articles folder)
- Link Name: the system name, name it like a url, so lowercase with dashes, eg. “2022-09-new-research”
- Display Name: The Title of the Article
- Link: the article URL
In the Metadata Tab (optional)
- Summary: a brief summary of the article to appear besides the title in the feed
- Start Date: automatically sets to the present day, but you can backdate articles if you wish by changing the Start Date. Setting a date in the future will cause the article to not show up until the day has passed.
Click the white-on-blue buttons (Preview Draft, Submit, etc) until you’ve submitted the file as workflow, which automatically republishes and updates your feed on the live site.
Glossary of Terms
Article | A page for news or events |
Feed | A feed is a listing of multiple articles on your site. This might be on your "index" landing page, on your news landing page, in a right column, or appearing below the article. These might be sorted by Start Date or End Date or alphabetically. This feed might be styled in different ways (simple text with just the title to featuring an image, summary, date, and more). |
Feed image | This is an image that, by it's path, is associated with another page. This image appears next to your page in a feed. It may also be added to your page via a block that searches for that feed image (usually titled ~get-image-by-path). If "PAGEPATH" represents the path of the page on your site, the feed image is located at: images/PAGEPATH.jpg |
The _extra folder | All of your feeds (which is likely all created from a single file) are located in the _extra/category folder of your site. To publish it, visit the folder (or specific feed) and click "Publish" just like you would for publish any other asset. We say "publish the _extra folder" because it applies to everyone, but if you only want to update your specific feed and feel confident doing so, go right ahead! |
In-content images | Term we use for images that appear inside the content of your page, aka added in the WYSIWYG/content section and not via its own block. |
Workflow | This is a series of task that Cascade performs in order to publish out one or multiple parts of your site. An workflow for to your image saves and publishes your image. A workflow for your article publishes the page as well as any feeds associated with that page. This allows the page to show up immeidately in your feed. |
Troubleshooting: Why isn't my article showing up in a feed?
Did you:
- Add a "Start Date" (news) or "End Date" (events)? This sorts your article correctly in the feed.
- Put your "Start Date" in the past or your "End Date" in the future?
- Have at least one category added as a tag? If you created your article via (+)Add Content -> Create -> Create News Article, a category tag was already added. If there is no category added, click the "Tags" field and a suggested one should show up. Pick that.
- Publish your page to the "www" destination?
- Publish the _extra folder to the "www" destination
- Place your article in the correct folder? Some news/event sites require you placing your article in the "news" or "articles" or "events" folder.
- Reload the page on your browser (you may have to clear the cache)
You did? At it still doesn't show up? Ok, send us a web ticket!
Troubleshooting: Why can't I see my image?
If you cannot see your image in your page
- Make sure there is a block added to your page that grabs that image.
- If image is added based on the article path, make sure they are named similarly.
- go to the image(s) and republish it(them).
If you cannot see your image in your feed
- Make sure the image path matches the system name for the related article.
- Republish the "_extra" folder.
Troubleshooting: removing an article
Removing an article may require a series of tasks to complete, as you'll need to remove the article from the site but also from the feeds.
If the removal is planned for the future...
Please set a "End Date" to your article (near the "Start Date" in the Metadata tab) to the time in the future where the article needs to be taken down. Set the "End Date" to midnight preferably, as your feeds likely are republished every morning. This will unpublish the article form the site, and the auto-republishing will soon remove it from the feeds as well. You then can delete the article (or fix it and republish -- just remember to change the "End Date" if you do)
If the removal is not planned...
Take these steps:
- Either remove all category tags from your article OR set the "End Date" of the article to a point in the past.
- Run the "Publish Feeds and Page" workflow. This will remove the article from the feeds. It would likely keep the article live on the site though for people who have the link.
- Once you confirm the article is no longer showing up on the feeds, unpublish the page (if you plan on fixing an error -- once the error is fixed either add the category tags back and/or remove the "End Date") or delete the page (if you need it removed forever).