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Cancer Center Research Program - 2023 Retreat


Dr. Pawel Kalinski M.D. Ph.D

The Upstate Cancer Center will host its annual retreat on Friday, May 19, 2023, and is pleased to announce our keynote speaker Dr. Pawel Kalinski M.D. Ph.D. of Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Dr. Kalinski is the Jacob’s Endowed Chair of Immunology, Professor of Oncology, Chief of Translational Immuno-oncology, and Senior Vice President for Team Science.

His presentation is entitled Reprogramming Tumor Microenvironments to Sensitize "Cold" Tumors to Immunotherapy. Dr. Kalinski notes, “Our goal with this project is to convert cancers that are traditionally checkpoint-resistant into treatable, hot tumors so that more patients will be able to benefit from some of the most commonly prescribed immunotherapies. Based on our earlier studies both in the lab and in early-phase clinical trials, we have evidence that we can selectively promote entry of antitumor killer cells into tumor microenvironments and reduce local accumulation of suppressive cells in order to sensitize cold tumors to immune checkpoint-inhibition therapy.


The retreat will be held at Upstate Cancer Center in Conference Room 1076 A/B/C. Please R.S.V.P. to Cancer Research at [email protected] or (315) 464-8542 with questions.

If you would like to submit a poster presentation proposal for consideration, please use this link:

CC Retreat Presentation Proposals

Cancer Center Retreat Agenda

May 19, 2023

8:00–8:45 AM

Opening Session

  • Welcoming Remarks
  • Recognition of Beth Baldwin’s contribution to Upstate cancer research
  • Introduction of Upstate Cancer Center Oncology Nurse Award in the name of Beth Baldwin
  • Update on the Cancer Research at Upstate
8:45–10:45 AM

Cancer Research Talks - Morning Session

15-20min talks presented by Upstate Researchers

10:45–11:00 AM

Coffee Break

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

Cancer Center Retreat Distinguished Speaker Feature Presentation

Reprograming Tumor Microenvironments to Sensitize “Cold” Tumors to Immunotherapy

Dr. Pawel Kalinski,  MD, PhD
Senior Vice President for Team S­cience, Chair, Department of Immunology,
Jacobs Family Endowed Chair, Immunology Professor of Oncology & Director, Translational Immuno-Oncology Shared Resource,
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center


Lunch Break


Cancer Research Talks - Afternoon Session


Cancer Center Pilot Grant Award Announcement

2023 Cancer Center Retreat Photo Gallery
