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New Site Prep

If you're in need of a new website, our team is happy to assist you through the entirety of the development process.

Our websites are delivered fully operational and optimized for maximum user engagement. We'll work with you to organize and lay out all areas of your site to provide you with the best presentation. All new websites will be developed in the Cascade Content Management System. 

Here's what you'll need to know when preparing to work with our team on a new website build.

Prerequisite information

Please supply the following for all new site requests.

Send all requests for service via a New Service Request Ticket.

  1. Name of project
  2. The managing office or group
  3. Name of the project manager & liaison for the project
  4. Full description describing the scope of the content
  5. Intended audience, which may include any:
    • current and potential patients
    • current and potential students
    • current and potential employees
    • the Central New York community
    • other (eg. alumni, peers from around the globe)
  6. Access restrictions, which are usually one of the following:
    • public - open to all
    • intranet-only - open to Upstate faculty and staff only with proxy access from outside
  7. Go-live date. Either estimated or specific (if event-related) day you intend for the site to launch.

Example Ticket

Category: New Web Site
New Website Name:
Campus Web Technology
Account Number:
Completion Date:
Jan 2035
New Site for New Services
Hello! The Campus Web Technology team would like our own website. The site would be public and intended for current and potential employees, which will help to highlight our services and share resources. Lawrence Polly will be the manager and lead liaison for the project. Thank you!

Template Ticket

The [Team or Department] would like a website for [Project Name]. The [Public/Intra-Only] site will help [Your Audience]  [Purpose of Website]. [Employee] will be the manager and [Employee] the liaison for the project. We'd like to have this live on [Date].

Development Rates

Projects are billed at $50.00/hour.


Although all projects are different, this is what a common project timeline looks like. If your site is only a few pages, uses existing designs, and the content is ready to go, the project may last only a few weeks. However, if your site has multiple sections and requires extensive content creation, design, and revisions, it could take a few months.

Potential "Phase One" Timeline


Talk with your team

Focus on who your intended audience is and what they may expect from your site.

Contact us

Send us a web ticket to request a new site.

Let's meet!

We'll set up an initial meeting with you and your team to create a plan of action.

Draft designs and content

Our team will build out a barebones site with a design based on your needs. Since your team are the experts in your field, you'll likely be tasked with creating the content - although we can help with this as well!

Assemble and curate

Once the content is ready, we will add it to the site and curate the experience for an optimum user experience.

Approval and push live

When both our teams feel the site is ready for users to see, we will push it live and promote it throughout the Upstate.edu website. The sooner it goes live, the sooner it can be promoted and found in search engines.

Phase Two: revisions and training

Once the site is live, we will close out the project. Afterward, your site may need a few yearly edits or it may require constant attention. For future edits, you can fill out a web ticket and our team will make the changes. We'll likely encourage at least one person in your team to get trained in Cascade so you can make changes on your own. If there are still large content, design, or organizational changes to be made, we may suggest creating a new project.

Ready to work with our team to build your new website? Submit a ticket or check out our latest sites and features to see some of our recent designs.
