Upstate Student Government
USG is the student government for all students at SUNY Upstate. The purpose and function of this organization shall be to serve as a forum for student opinion, to facilitate cooperation and communication with the administration, faculty and community and to collect and allocated the student activity fee to classes, events, programs and recognized organizations.
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm in Weiskotten Hall room 2231. If you would like to have a voice in how your school operates, we invite you to attend! Dinner is provided!
Executive Board:
President: Nick Brennan
Vice President, College of Graduate Studies: Allysa Kemraj
Vice President, College of Health Professions: Vacant
Vice President, College of Medicine: Mus'ab Azam
Vice President, College of Nursing: Vacant
Vice President, Organizations: Ruqiyah Shaik
Secretary: Sanaea Bhagwagar
Treasurer: Steven Dang
College of Graduate Studies (1/3): Srijan Bhattacharya
College of Health Professions (0/5):
College of Nursing (0/5):
Norton College of Medicine (9/9): Azka Chaudhry, Akshay Patel, Shruti Zirath, Saad Ahmad, Christopher Bushnell, Katherine Narvaez Mena/Maushmi Chitale, Nathan Ihemeremadu/Jewel Estrella
Advisor: Ryan Green, Director of Campus Activities